[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—With reference to the letter from Mr. E. M. Gilbert appearing in your issue of the 13th inst. under the above heading, it is possible that you may think the following account of an experience I had a short time ago worth printing. I was motoring late one evening a fortnight ago, and suddenly at about 6.30 p.m. the whole of the road in front of the car appeared to be dotted over from side to side by brilliant red lights, shining like rubies. I slowed down practically to a standstill, and immediately there came into view a pack of hounds on their way home after a day's hunting. The " rubies " were the eyes of the hounds lit up by my head- lights. When I saw the "rubies" it was too dark to see the mounted hunt servants, much less the bodies of the hounds.-