READABLE NOVELS.—The Door of the Unreal. By Gerald Bias. (Eveleigh
Nash. 7a. net.)—Desoribes some mysterious disappearances which take place upon the Brighton Road. The author would do well to study the allusions in Webster's Duchess of 'IMO to the subject of lycanthropy, as to which a most sensible explanation is given by one of the characters.—Beaumarey Home from the Wars. By Anthony Hope. (Methuen. 6s. net.)—The most readable chapters of this book are those describing the entry of burglars, in search of booty, into the Cottage Tower after the death of the character around whom the mystery of the story revolves. Some traces of the whimsical humour which used to be displayed by "Anthony Hope" may be found in the attitude of the hero towards the burglars.—Shooting Stars. By Sophie Kerr. (Hurst and Blackett. 6s. 9d. net.)—An American story of an unhappy marriage and its redemption. The figure of the heroine is well realized.