T7De Freycinet Government has fallen. On Friday veek it published the great Bill by which it intended to give itself absolute power over all Associations not purely industrial or commercial, including all religious Orders, and the Churches themselves, if they were disestablished. Any such Association may be registered, if it sends in a list of its members, and places nothing in its rules contrary to order or morality ; but it may not own land, or receive legacies even through trustees, or do any cor- porate act, unless it obtains special permission to exercise corporate rights. If its members live in communion, they are liable to inspection by administrative or judicial authori- ties, who may specially inquire on the spot into all charges affecting personal liberty, or offences against law. Finally, any such Association, if it is connected with Associations or groups living in foreign countries, or if any of its managers are foreigners, may be dissolved by decree, and its members may, if they disobey, be imprisoned for two years. The law makes the State supreme over all International Societies, and all religious Orders, and stretches the law of mortmain to its logical end, the total suppression of legacies. We have said enough of its probable working, if it had been accepted, else- where, but may mention here that it places all charitable bodies, and all bodies intending to experiment in collectivism, or other social novelty, practically at the mercy of the State.