The Crystal Hunters : A Boy's Adventures In The Higher
Alps. By G. Manville Fenn. (S. W. Partridge and Co.)—Mr. Manville Fenn can do one thing well, and that is, describe life on the outskirts of civilisation; rough life, not of the......
A History Of Tithes. By The Rev. Henry W. Clarke,
B.A. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—Mr. Clarke's book bristles with statements, historical, social, political, and financial. We have not space to deal with them. But we may take......
Tales.—my Land Of Beulah. By Mrs. Leith Adams. (methuen And
Co.)—This is a love-story of a not unusual pattern. A single- hearted young woman, and a friend who is certainly not so, are the leading characters. A cloud arises between the......
The Secret Of The Magian ; Or, The Mystery Of
Bcbatana. By A. Laurie. (Sampson Low and Co.)—Mr. Laurie's style and treat- ment of his subject remind us very much of M. Jules Verne. We have the same scientific precision, the......
Dare Lorimer's Heritage. By E. E. Green. (hutchinson And...
is a well told story, the story of a headstrong, pas- sionate boy, whose heritage of temper works against him through his life,—sometimes, indeed, nearly ostracising him......