Sir George Trevelyan Made A Poor And Vague Speech, Con-
sisting in considerable part of an attack upon Lord London- derry; but the sensation of the evening was the speech of the Parnellite leader, Mr. J. Redmond, who, while declaring......
Mr. Balfour Brought In His Bill For The Local Government
of Ireland on Thursday, in a strong speech, necessarily encumbered with detail, and interrupted by the unmannerly outcries of the Irish Opposition. We have dealt with the Bill......
Monday Night's 'debate In The Commons On Mr. Sexton's...
amendment was a very remarkable one. Mr. Sexton, who had previously elicited by a question to the Irish Secretary, Mr. Jackson, that no Irish land had been purchased under the......
To This Appeal Sir William Harcourt Gave No Kind Of
answer. He absented himself from the House, indeed, for a large part of the evening after Mr. Redmond's speech, though his English followers were most anxious to hear his reply.......
As Might Have Been Expected, Both Clericals And Jacobins...
furious with the Bill, which on Thursday was denounced both by the Radical leader, M. Clemenceau, and the Clerical spokesman, M. de Hun. The Premier, M. de Freycinet, made but......
News Of The Week.
T7 De Freycinet Government has fallen. On Friday veek it published the great Bill by which it intended to give itself absolute power over all Associations not purely industrial......