Current Literature.
A Sweet Girl-Graduate By L. T. Meade. (Cassell and Co.)— We do not hesitate to say that this story is better worth reading than nine-tenths of the tales that are published. Its......
Memorials Of The Rev. John Frederick Stevenson. By His Wife.
(J. Clarke and Co.)—We may commend this volume to our readers. Dr. Stevenson's name must be known to many of them. He was a Nonconformist minister (as a Baptist first, and......
Glimpses Of Nature. By Dr. Andrew Wilson. (chatto And...
Andrew Wilson's work in the popularising of natural history is so well known and 83 much appreciated, that it is scarcely necessary to do more than describe some of the contents......
Some Of Sh2kespeare's Female Characters. By Helena...
(Blackwood and Sons.)—This is a "new and en- larged edition" of a valuable and interesting book. "Helena Fancit " has done good service to the English stage in many ways, and......
Capital, Labour, And Trade, And The Outlook. Plain Papers By
Margaret Benson. (S.P.C.K.)—Miss Benson writes some admirable, sensible papers, exposing a number of fallacies which have a kind of perennial existence—as, e.g., that......
Delicate Dining. By Theodore Child. (j. R. Osgood,...
Co.)—We are sorry to confess our ignorance of the name—P. Z. Didsbury—which should, it seems, be a recommendation to this volume. But that it is the work of an expert and an......
A History Of Tithes. By The Rev. Henry W. Clarke,
B.A. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—Mr. Clarke's book bristles with statements, historical, social, political, and financial. We have not space to deal with them. But we may take......
Home Gymnastics For Young And Old. By Professor Hoffman....
and Sons.)—The title of this book, coupled with the name of the author, will commend it to readers. Mr. Hoffman is an expert, and his subject is of importance. Gymnastics that......
The New Empire. By 0. A. Howland. (e. Arnold.)—mr. How-
land writes in the interests of the Imperial Unity of Great Britain and its Coloni es . He. regards the, problem from the Canadian paint of view, and maintains with much......