Broadcasting and the Church
Sir: May I draw attention to a recent public request for written evidence by the Broadcasting Com- mission appointed by the General Synod of the Church of England. The Commission's terms of refer- ence are to consider and report to the General Synod on: (a) the structure of broadcasting in Britain (b) acceptable programme stan- dards (c) religious broadcasting (d) the religious advisory systems (e) training for religious pro- grammes. Those wishing to submit evi- dence are asked to address their memoranda to the Joint Secre- taries of the Commission to reach them by 30 April 1971, and if in exceptional cases evidence cannot be sent by that date, it will be ap- preciated if notice of the intention to contribute evidence later could reach the Secretaries by 30 April.
Particular attention, at this stage,
is being given to the first of the Commission's terms of reference. It is therefore most desirable that evidence relevant to (a) should be received as soon as possible.
William Hart General Synod of the Church of England, Church House, Dean's Yard, London swl