20 MARCH 1971, page 19

Storm Jameson On I. Compton-burnett

The Last and the First Ivy Compton-Burnett (Gollancz £1.40) The singular position of Ivy Compton- Burnett, as novelist, in the literature of the past five decades, is not in......

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Spectator r IMO NMI. NMI MINI MIN 1111111111 - 111111 The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London W.C,1 I Please supply the Spectator for one year El two years El • three years El I......

G. F. Hudson On China

Education and Communism in China: An Anthology of Commentary and Documents edited by Stewart E. Fraser (Pall Mall Press £2.75) The Chinese Road to Socialism: Economics of ,the......