Malcolm Cormack On Alphabetical Art
The editor has taken trouble to emphasise that the new Companion to Art has been de- signed as a non-specialist introduction to the fine arts in the narrow sense of painting and......
Storm Jameson On I. Compton-burnett
The Last and the First Ivy Compton-Burnett (Gollancz £1.40) The singular position of Ivy Compton- Burnett, as novelist, in the literature of the past five decades, is not in......
Peter Fleming On The Last Of The Tsars
A Baconian manque, Mr Richards sets out to prove that the Russian Imperial family, so far from being massacred in a basement in Ekaterinberg on the night of 16-17 July 1918,......
Copies Of The Spectator Index To The Issues For...
1970 are now available and may be obtained, price 50p post free, from the Sales Manager, The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, Lon- don wcl. Copies of most of the previ- ous indexes......