The last Test
Sir: I have read many words on the recent MCC tour in Australia, mostly by cricket journalists, but none of them have hit the nail so firmly and boldly on the head as Mr Simon Raven, whose name does not occur to one as primarily that of a writer on cricket.
I was not in Australia, but I watch a great deal of Test and other first-class cricket, in a profes- sional capacity and as an amateur (or lover) of the game. This experi- ence leaves little doubt in one's mind of the authenticity and justice of Mr Raven's description of what happened in Australia.
In only one respect would I dis- agree with him. 'Of what use to talk?' he asks in his last paragraph. It seems to me that if he, and some other writers, will continue to pro- claim the message, and particu- larly the message of 'what is re- quired of a captain, it may eventu- ally sink in.
F. H. C. Tataham 35 Little Common, Stanmore, Middlesex