No parking
The money being burnt ravaging Cadogan Gardens and Portman Square unnaturally for underground carparks makes me glad to hear that experiments are being made with meters in private cars using city streets.
I hope they are a success, so that the racked shades of those who look as if they took it in the war and are now resurrected as traffic wardens are released for well-earned retirement. My ideas are simpler : as many cars as may be, without charge but with no stopping at any time anywhere except to put down passengers. The true cost of car- Owning would be borne by the driver and would be seen to include payment for off- street garaging or parking at demand rates. The crazily expensive inner road pro- grammes (more expensive than the Con- corde, as211 and the Channel T.mnel put together) might be cut and the roads left clean and ready to be used to their proper width by ordinary folk who don't want delay and like travelling by taxi or chauffeured car.