No showbiz biz?
They have yet to announce the disposition of the contract. Mr Peter Cotes, ante-post fav- ourite among the non-big-business candidates (if only because our foremost authority on the play, Roger Lancelyn Green, has declared him the obvious choice), has, he tells me, heard no word from the hospital, although the board's adviser, Mr Gordon Piller, told him some time ago that they would certainly not be doing business with any of the show- biz moguls.
All of which makes it the more remark- able that Mrs Helen Arnold (widow of the late showman, Tom Arnold, who once did more than put Peter Pan in a cinema—he put it on ice!) let it be known some weeks ago that she had the property in the bag. I. know not whether Mrs Arnold will be disappointed in her hopes and beliefs. She will certainly be disappointed in the theatre she had in mind—the Coliseum. For Mr Stephen Arlen, the administrator there, cannot see how the children's play can conceivably dovetail with his operatic commitments.