The narrative of the landing of Casement and his two
companions in a collapsible boat from the submarine is, we suppose, the most extraordinary and dramatic story of its kind ever told in a Court. AU the details which make up the picture outbid Treasure Island. en the night of Thursday, April 20th, a flashing light was seen out at sea. Probably the three men landed in the early morning of Good Friday. Later on that morning a strange boat was dis- eovered on the beach by a farmer named McCarthy. It contained only a dagger. McCarthy also saw marks where the "strand " Lad been disturbed, and digging down he found a tin box con- taining pistol ammunition. Later still pistols, three coats, maps, a large flag, and other things were also discovered buried in the esnd. In the pocket cf one coat was a German railway ticket from Berlin to Wilhelmshaven. The flag, which was held up in Court, was bright green and had a large ruddy-coloured castle ea the middle. The movements .of three men were traced to the farmer's house by footprints in the sand. When McCarthy, who bad called a labourer to his assistance, returned to the " strand" after tracing the footsteps be found his little daughter playing with a loaded Mauser pistol