The Papers Of Monday Published A Statement On Prussian...
and aims made by Sir Edward Grey to the London representative of the Chicago Daily News. It is a remarkably compact survey of how Germany persisted in making war ; the......
Apart From Prompt Enrolment (we Do Not Trouble About Prompt
offers et work, for we know very well that the moment enrolment has taken place the military authorities will probably ask not too little but too much of the Volunteers), we are......
The Preliminary Hearing Of The Charge Of High Treason...
Sir Roger Casement opened before Sir John Dickinson at Bow Street on Monday. It was a surprise that a second prisoner appeared in the dock with Casement—D. J. Bailey, a soldier......
The Narrative Of The Landing Of Casement And His Two
companions in a collapsible boat from the submarine is, we suppose, the most extraordinary and dramatic story of its kind ever told in a Court. AU the details which make up the......
We Ought To Have A Million And A Half Volunteers
at the very least. If we had, we might have something like two hundred thousand always on duty. The arms question is not going to prove in practice so great a difficulty as was......
The Police Were Informed, And At A Place Known As
McKenna's Fort Casement was found concealed. He said he was an author. Richard Morton, of Denham, Buckinghamshire, and that he had written the Life of St. Brandon. The principal......
Mr. Wilson On Wednesday, In A Speech Addressed To The
Washing. ton Press Club, said : " If I cannot retain my moral influence over a man except by occasionally knocking him down, if that is the only basis upon which he will respect......
According To The Police Statement, Bailey Was In Dread Of
local vengeance, which looks as if he knew that the countryside was already aware of the insurgents' plans. This may perhaps account for the curious fact that so many people......
In The Case Of Volunteers, As We Have So Often
pointed out, numbers—until embodiment takes place—are of a special and pecu- liar importance. As must always happen with men who are half- time, or quarter-time, or even......
Bailey, Who Said That Ho Had Joined The " Irish
Brigade " as a means of escaping from imprisonment, described the journey to Ireland in company with Casement and a man called Monteith, vim is said to be still at large. On......
The Evidence Against Sir Roger Casement And Bailey Was...
on Wednesday. The Irish Constabulary witnesses described how Bailey had offered to make a statement and tried to bargain for protection and a guarantee. Ho said that he had......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 P.c. Ang.
8th, 1911.......