Caesar And The Germans.
[TO THE EDITOR 07 THE SPECTATOR."] Srn,—Antiquarians may be interested to note that in the war on the Western Front, conducted by sapping, mining, and counter-mining, we have a......
Economy And Domestic Servants.
[To TER EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 Brn,—May I be allowed to give a few remarks, through the medium of the Spectator, regarding " Economy and Domestio Servants" ? I would like......
Ulster And The Situation Ln Ireland
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.") 8rn,—Will you let me point out the insulting manner in which Ulster is being treated by newspapers and public men, who conceive that the_......
Sinn Fein.
To Till EDITOR 07 THE "SPEOTATOR.1 Ere,—The ill-success of Mr. Birrell's administration of Ireland is accounted for by Tacitus, or perhaps I ought rather to say by Thrasea, in......
Bismarck And The American Army.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sm,—In view of the insidious attempts of tho German Preis to minimize the importance of England's adoption of compulsory service, and to......