20 MAY 1916, page 10

[to Tue Editor Of Tue " Spectator:1

Sta,—I think the idea of " Philadelphos " in last Saturday's Spedales is an excellent one, and I have much pleasure in enclosing £5 for the same purpose. I consider that yours......

The Softening Of Street Manners.

A TRULY democratic society exists nowhere, but we may find something like it in public conveyances. Birth, educa- tion, or money gives no advantage to a passenger in a 'bus. On......

[to Tee Editor Op Tee " Spectator-1

Si ,—Will you please appropriate the enclosed cheque for £3 to the distribution of " as many copies of the paper as this will cover to the base hospitals on the Continent weekly......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator.,

Siu,—The generous offer of your correspondent " Philadelphos," and your no less generous response, prompt me to send you a further £10, so that, by your backing this amount......

Letters To The Editor.

THE "SPECTATOR" AND THE BASE HOSPITALS ABROAD. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIB,—May I be permitted to follow the excellent example of " Phila- delphos," and ask your......


STATE CONTROL OF THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC.—III. [TO TUB EDITOR OF TEE " spEcTATon.1 Sin,—One of the supreme advantages of a scheme of direct State control would be the facility it......