20 NOVEMBER 1830, Page 14

The Motion of the CEIANOtILLOA of the Excnsousa was,--" That

Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair;" that Is. that the House, In Committee, proceed to discuss the items of the Civil List. Sir HENRY PARNELL'S Amendment ran, "rct leave out from the word ' that' to the end of the question, in order to add the words a Select Committee be appointed to take into consideration the accor.ints presented by his Majesty to this Rouse relating to the Civil List' instead thereof), The question formally put was, as usual," That the words proposed to be left out stand part of the question." Those who voted for the amendment said" Not" those who voted for retaining the original words "Aye." When. the " Noes" were on the division announced to be the majority-that is, when the Select Committee was really carried-the amendment, now become the 4tiginal question, was put and carried without farther opposition. In the following Tables we have preferred the more Intelligible metb.od of marking the votes for the Select Committee by an A, for affirmative; and those against it by an N for negative; making the Select Commit ee formally, as it was really, the question decided by the division. The absent members are indicated by a small dash (-).


Abercromby, G.R... Kinross-shire Acheson, Lord .... Armagh. .. Acland, Sir 'I'. D.... Devonshire A'Court, E. H. Heytesbury Adeane, H. J Cambridgeshire .. . . Agnew, Sir A Wigtonshire ..... .. . Alexander, J. Du Pre Old Serum. Alexander, James ... Ditto . . Althorpe, Viscount.. Northampton-shire.. Anson, Hon. 0 Yarmouth Anson, Sir G. Lichfield. Antrobus, G. C Plympton Apsley, Lord Cirencester Arbuthnott, Hon. H. Kincardineshire Arbuthnot, C Ashburton Archdall, DI Fermanagh Arcedeckne, A. Dwnwich Ashley, Lord Dorchester Astell, W. • Bridgewater Astley, Sir J. D Wiltshire Atkins, J. Arundel. . . . ...

Attwood, H. Boroughbridge Senile, J. E. Bristol Bernie, H. D Rye Bantle, 3 Fortrose Bainbridge, E. T.... Taunton Baldwin, C. B Tot ness Balfour, J. Anstruther Bankes, G. Corfe Castle Bankes, H. Dorset shire Bankes, W. J Marlborough

Baring, A Cattington

Baring, F. Thetford Baring, W. B. Callington Baring, Sir T. Wycombe Baring Jun. F. Portsmouth Barne, F Dunwich Bastard, I Dartmouth Bateson, Sir R. .... Londonderry

Bayntun, S. A. York

Beaumont, T. W. .. Northumberland. . .

Beckett, Sir J Haslemere Belfast, Earl of ... . Antrim Belgrave, Viscount.. Cheshire Bell, hi Northumberland ....

Benett, J.. ....... Wiltshire Bentinck,LordW. G. King's Lynn Beresford, M. Berwick Beresford, Sir J. P. . Northallerton Beresford, Lord G... Waterford ........ , Bernal, Ralph Rochester Bernard, Viscount., Bandonbridge Bernard, T. King's County Bethell, It Yorkshire Biddulph, R. Ilf Denbigh Blackett, C. Beeralston Blair, W. Ayrshire Blake, Sir F Berwick Blandford, Mar. of .. Woodstock Blaney, C. D. Monaghan Blount, E Steyning .... ... ... Bonham, F. B.. Rye .... - „, .. .. „ .

Borradaile, 11 Newcastle upon Tyne Bourne, W. S Nilbourne Port.. ... Bouverle, S. P. P. Cockermouth.„ ..... Bouverie, D. P. Salisbury .... ..... .

Boyle, Lord

Boyle, J. Cork . ...... .

Brabazon, Lord

Bradshaw, R. H... f Brackley .... .... .. .

Bradshaw, James Brackky . ... .... ...

Briscoe, J. I.

Broaden, J. ..... Launceston.. ..... .. Brougham, 3 Downton Brougham, II Yorkshire .... ... ...

Browne, W .. Kerry .. ..

Browne, D Mayo .... Browne, J. Mayo .. .

Brownlow, C. Armagh.. ....

Bruce, 24 Ilchester

Brudenell, Lord

Bruen, H Carlow... . Bridges, Sir J. W.H Coleraine Buck, W. L. Exeter Buller, C. West Looe Buller, J. W Exeter Bulwer, H. L Wilton Bunbury, Sir H.E. . Suffolk Burdett, Sir F. Westminster Burke, Sir J. Galway Bastard, G Lymington Burrell, Sir C. M.... New Shoreham Burrell, W. Sussex Burton, H. Beverley Buxton, J. J Great Bedwin Buxton, T. F. Weymouth Byng, G Middlesex BYE& G• G. . Melbourne Port Calcraft, 3 Wareham Callaghan, D Cork Calthorpe, F. G. .... Braviber Calvert, J. Huntingdon Calvert, N Hertfordshire Campbell, A. Glasgow Campbell, Hon. 0. P. Cromarty Campbell, J Stafford Campbell, W. F Argyleshire Carnegie, Sir J. .... Aberdeen Carrington, Sir C. B. St. Mawes Carter, J. B.. Portsmouth Cartwright, W. R... Northamptonshire Castlereagh, Via... .., Downshire Cavendish, H. F. C.. Derby Cavendish, Lord G. A. B Derbyshire Cavendish, W. Cambridge University Cawthorne, J. F..... Lancaster ......

Cecil, Lord T. Stamford Chandos, Mar. of ... Buckinghamshire Chaplin, C. Lincolnshire

Chaplin, T. Stankfare

Chapman, H. L..... Westmeath Chichester, Sir A.... Belfast Chichester, A Wexford Cholmeley, M. J. ... Grantham Cholmondely, Lord H. H Castle Rising

Churchill, Ld. C. S. Woodstock:

Clements, J. III. .... Leitrim Clerk, Sir G. Edinburglishire Clinton, C. J. F..... Aldborough Clive, E. B. Hereford Clive, R. H. Ludlow

Clive, H. Montgoinery

Clive, Viscount Ludlow Cockburn, Sir G. ... Plymouth Cockerell, Sir C Evesham Cocks, J. Reigate

Coke, T. W. 'Vorfolle

Colborne, N. W. 11... Horsham

Cole, A. H. Enniskillen

Constable, Sir T. A.C. Hedon Cooke, Sir H. F Orford Cooper, E. S Sligo Conte, E. Cleninell Come, Sir C. Queens County Cornewall, F. H..... Bishop Castle Corry, Viscount .... Fermanagh Corry, IL I, Tyrone Cotterell, Sir J. G... Herefordshire Courtenay, T. P. .... Totness

Cradock, S. . Camelford

Cradock, J. H. Dundalk

Cripps, J. Cirencester

Croker, J. IV.. Aid-borough Curteis, H. B Sussex Curzon, R. Clitheroe

Cust, P. F Clitheroe

Cues, E. Lostwithiel Dalrymple, Sir A. J. Huddington Darlington, Earl of . Saltash Davies, T. H. H..... Worcester Davis, It. H. Bristol Dawson, G. It. Harwich

Dawson, A. Louth

Denison, W. J. Surry Denman, T. Nottingham Dick, Q Maldon Dickenson, W. Somersetshire Doherty, J. Newport Bonin, A. R. Southampton Douglas, Elon.C. .. Lanarkshire Douglas, W. R. H... Dumfries Douro, Marquis of., Aldeburgh Dowdestrell, J. E. .. Tewkesbury Drake, T. T. Agmondesham Drake, W. T Arnondesham

Drummond, H. H... Stirtingshire

Duff, A.. .. Elgin Dugdale, D. S Warwickshire Dugdale, W. S Shaftesbury Duncannon, Lord .. Kilkenny Buncombe, T. S..... Hertford Buncombe, A East Retford Buncombe, W Yorkshire Dundas, C Berkshire Dundee, It. A Ipswich Dundas, Sir R. L. . . Richmond Dundas, J. C. Richmond Dundas, H. Winchelsea Dundas, T York Dundas, W Edinburgh East, Sir E. H. Winchester Eastnor, Viscount .. Hereford Ebrington, Viscount Devonshire Egerton, Sir P. M. G. Chester Egerton, W Cheshire

Egerton, W .T Lymington

Eliot, Lord Liskeard Ellice, E. Coventry Ellis, A. F Seaford Ellis, G. J. W. A. . _ Okehampton Encombe, Lord ...„ Mao Estcourt, T. G. B. .. Marlborough Estcourt, T. H. S. B. Oxford University Easton, Earl of ..., Bury St. Edmund's Evans, W. Leicester Ewing, J. Wareham Fane, Sir H Hastings Fane, H. S Lyme Regis Fane, J T I yme Regis Fans, J. Oxfordshire Fardell, John Lincoln Farrand, R. Hedon Ferguson, Sir B.. C... Nottingham Ferguson, Sir R. A.. Londonderry Ferguson, R. C..... Kirkcudbright Fitzgerald, W. F. V.. Loolwithiel Fitzgerald, J Seaford Fitzgerald, Ld. W... Kildare Fitzgerald, hi Kerry Fitzgibbon, R.H.... Limerick Fitzroy, Lord J...... Thetford Fleming, J Hampshire Foley, J. H. H. Droitwich Foley, E. T. Ludgershall Foley, T. H. Worcestershire Folkes,SirW.J.B.B. Norfolk Forbes, Sir C. Malmesbury Forbes, .7 Malmesbury Forbes, Viscount.... Longford Fordwich, Lord .... Canterbury Forester, G. C. W. .. Wenlock Fortescue, G. M Hendon

Frankland, It. Thirsk

Freemantle, Sir T. F. Buckingham French, A. Roscommon Freeshfield, J. W... • . PenrYn - Eyler, T, B. Coventry Carnes, Viscount .. Cockermoath .. Gascoyne, J, Liverpool ,.., Gisborne, T. Stafford A Gilbert, H. ..... .... 13odmin - Gorden, it Cricklade.. . ....... •-•



A N '





Gordon, Sir .7. W. Launceston .. .......

Gordon, J. A. Tregony... ......... Gordon, J. Weymouth.- ... .. . Gordon, W. Aberdeenshire .. ....

Gore, W. 0 Carnarvon - .. .. ....

Goulburn, H Armagh .... .. ... . • Gower, Lord F. L. Sutherlandshire .. ...

Graham, Ld. M. W Dumbartonshire .....

Graham, Mar. of Cambridge .. . .. . .. ..

Graham, Sir J. E.G Cumberland •• • Graham, Sir S Ludgersliall .. Grant, C. Inverdess-shire .....

Grant, F. W. Elginshire. . Grant, Sir A. Westbury .. .

Grant, It. Norwich... ..... .. ..

Grattan, J Wicklow Greene, T Lancaster ...... .... Gregson, J Saltash..... .. ..... . Gresley, Sir R. Durham .. ... ...... Greville, Sir C. J Warwick.. .. .... ..

Grimston, Viscount St. Alban's . .... . ..

Grosvenor, It. Chester .. ..... .... .

Guest, 3.3 Honiton - . .. . • • • ...

Guise, Sir W. B Gloucestershire...."

Gunning, Sir R. H Northampton . Gurney, H. Newton I. W. . ... .. Gurney, R. IL. Norwich . .........

Handcock, R. Athlone ...

Hardinge; Sir H..... St. Germain's .. .... . Harris, G. Great Grimsby . ,.. .. Hart, G. V. Donegal .. .. ... ....

Harvey, D. W Cole/tester .. ..... .. . Hastings, Sir C. A Leicester . ...... .... Hawkins, J. H St. Michael's Hay, Lord J. Haddington... . ... • • Heathcote, Sir W. . . Hampshire.. . ...... . Heathcote, Sir G.... Rutlandshire- Heron, Sir R. Peterborough .... Herres, J. C. Harwich

Hill, Lord G. Carrickfergus

Hill, Lord A. Down. .. ..... .. .

Hill. Sir it Shropshire .. Hobhouse, J. C Westminster. ..

Hodges, T. L. Kent . ... Hodgson, J. Newcastle under Lyne Hodson, J. A IVigan ...... ....... Holmes, W. Hasleniere .... .. .. ..

Holmesdale, Vis East Grinstead..... Hope, H. T East Looe Hope, J. T. Calton.. HOpe, Sir A. Linlithgowshire .... . Hothain, Lord Leominster .... Houldsworth, A. H Dartmouth..... • . . • • Houldsworth, T Newton ... ..... ...

Howard, W. Mdrpea............

Howard, P. H. Carlisle Howard, F. G Castle Rising ... ... - Howard, H. New Shoreham...... Howard, R. Wicklow ... . ... ...

Howick, Viscount Higliam Ferrers.....

Roy, S. B Southampton......

Hughes, W. H Oxford City ... ..... Hughes, W. L Wallingford ....... . Hulse, Sir C West Looe .... Hume, J Middlesex Ingestre, Viscount .. Hertford ..... . .... Ingilby, Sir W. A. .. Lincolnshire ...... Inglis, Sir It. H. .... Oxford University Irving, J Bramber.. .... . . ..

Jenkins, It Shrewsbury .. . Jephson, C. D....... Mallow • • • • • • • • • • • • Jermyn, Earl of .... Bury St. Edmund's .. Jerningharn, H. V. S. Pontefract.— - . . Johnston, J. Inverkeithing .. .... .

Johnstone, J. J. H Dumfries-shire .... .

Joiliffe, Sir VT. G. H Peters/1dd.. .... .. .. Jolliffe, G. E. ..... Petersfield.... - . . . Jones, J. ... Carmarthen.. .... ... Jones, T. ... . Londonderry ..

Kavanagh, T. . ... Carlow.. . •... Keck, G. A. L. . Leicestershire.... Kemmis, T. A... ... . East Looe Kemp, T. It. Lewes Kennedy, Lord ..... Evesham Kennedy, T. F. Ayr Kenyon, L. . . St. Michael's Kerrison, Sir E. Eye Kilderbee, S. H. .... Orford Killeen, Lord Meath King, Sir .7. D. Wycombe King, R. Cork King, H. .Sligo Knatchbull, Sir E. . Kent Knight, R. Wallingford Knox, T. . Duncannon Knox, J. H. ..... Newry Labouchere, H. .... Taunton Lamb, G. Dungarvon.. Lambert, J. S Galway Langston, J. H...... Orford City Lascelles, H. Northallerton Lawley,F. ... Warwickshire Leader, N. P. Kilkenny Lee, J. L. Wells Lefevre, C. S. Downton Lefroy, A Longford Lefroy, T Dublin University • .. Leah, T.. .. ..... Newton, (Las.)

Lemon, Sir C... ... Penms

Lennard, T. B. .. . Malden Lennox, Lord 3.0. . Chichester Leslie, C. P. . ..... New Ross Lester, B. L. ... . . Poole ..• Lewis, T. F... .... - Radnorshire ........ Lindsay, J... ..... . Wigan ' Littleton, E. J. .... Staffordshire likyd1,, Sir B. P. ... Flint Lath, James: Kirkwall Loch, John se ... ..... Hythe Loughborough, lad. . Dysart_

X • -• A.

A. X X A. A

• -■ • -•■ A A X

X A X X X X A. A. A.

X It of X A. A.

A A. A. X


.4. A.


A A.


-4 Abingdon Caine Caine Ross-shire Tregony Ipswich .Knaresborough Wootton Bassett Clare Berwickshire Boston Huntingdonshire Leicestershire Hythe Sandwich Leominster Plymouth Tewkesbury Forfars hire Cavan Louth Lisburne Cam elford IPinchester Corfe Castle New Romney Newcastle upon Tyne Bktchingley Peterborough Clare Selkirk Peebles-shire Dublin City Brecon Monnzouthshire Banff 'shire Yorkshire St. Ives Flints/airs Donegal Derbyshire Perthshire Cumberland Westnwreland Westmoreland Wigton Nottinghamshire Carlisle Minehead Worcestershire Chippenham East Retfurd Waterford Great Bedwin Ruttandshire Drogheda Oxfurdshire Buckingham Aylesbury Ennis Waterford Roscommon .Kildare Portarlington Limerick Galway Antrim Morpeth Cambridgeshire Kilkenny Pembrokeshire Pembroke King's County Ashburton Bath Berkshire Reading Cambridge University Queen's County Lancashire Truro Devizes Hasten Tam worth Yarmouth, I. W.

Newton, L W.

Shropshire Cornwall Cashel Shaftesbury Wilton Newport, I. W. Ripon Steyning Haverfordwest Gloucester Scarborough

Lowther, Sir .

Lowther, Viscount Lowther, H.C. . Lowther, J. H...

Lumley, J. S. •

Lushington, J. L Luttrell, J. F. • Lygon, H. B. .

Braberley, J

Afacauley, T. 13. Macdonald, Sir J.

Mackenzie, Sir J. W.

Ifackillop, J. .... . Mackinnon, C..... .

Mackintosh, Sir J Mahon, Viscount Mahon, J. P. O'G Maitland, Viscount Maitland, A. ...

Malcolm, jun. N...

Mandeville, Visct Manners, Lord R Alarjoribanks, S Marryatt, J. ... . Marshall W Martin, Sir T. B

Martin, P Manic, W. R

Maxwell, H.... .

Al'Clintock, J

Meynell, H. . • Milbank, H......... Alildmay, P. St. J...

Miles, P. J. .... • • Miles, • • Miller, W.

Mills, R. W... .

Milton, Viscount ... APNamara, W. N... Monteith, H. ....... Montgomery, Sir J. .

Moore, G . • • Morgan, C.111. R.... Morgan, Sir C.... ..

Morison, J. . .... • . Morpeth, Viscount..

Morrison, J.. Mostyn, Sir T.... Illountcharles, Earl.

Aiundy, F

Murray, Sir G.

Neeld, J

Newark, Lord ...... Newport, Sir J. ....

Nicholl, Sir 3. . Noel, Sir G. N..... North, J. H...... Norreys, Lord ...... Nugent, Sir G. .... Nugent, Lord .... .

O'Brien, W. S. ..... O'Conuell, D. ... . • O'Connor, 0......

O'Ferrall, .. Ogle, Sir C.... .... O'Grady, S.

O'Hara, J O'Neill, J. B. R...

Ord, W.... ..... Osborne, Lord G. F. Ossory, Earl of . Owen, Sir J

Owen, H. 0. Oxmantown, Lord Palk, Sir L. V

Palmer, C. ..... ..• Palmer, R Palmer, C. F...... Palmerston, Via. Parnell, Sir H. .. Patten, J. W...... Peach, N. W....." Pearse, J... . Pechell, Sir S. J. B. Peel, Sir R.

Peel, W. Y.

Pelham, C. A. %V Pelham, J. C. . • • Pendarves, E. W. W. Pennefather, AL Penrhyn, E.. Penruddocke, J. H Perceval, S... . Petit, L. H. Philipps, 0. It. Philipps, Sir R. B. P. Phillpots, J... Phipps, E. ..... .

A A • —• A A






A. A A • -• A A

Pigott, G. G. AD.. St. Mawes

Fitt, . . . Cricklade

Planta, j.,* • Frostings Polhill, F. . • Bed.ford Pollen, Sir J. W.. Ancioltr Ponsonby,W. F.S. . Poole Ponsonby, G. ... „. Yougha Portman, E. B. .... Dorsetsleire Powell, W. Cardiganshire Powlett, Ld.W. J. F. Durham Pr.ndergast, Westbury Price, R. New Radnor Price, S. G... .... ... Sandwich Price, Sir R .. Herefordshire Pringle, Sir W. Liskeard Pringle, A. Selkirkshire Prittie, F. A . . Tipperary Pusey, P. . Chippenham


Pryse, P...

Rae, Sir W. . Caithness-shire Ramsbottom, J..... Windsor Ranisdon, J. C . Mahlon Rehm, J. ....... . Newport (torn.). Reid, Sir J. R. DLnioivterr'ick Rice, T. S Rickford, W Aylesbury Ridley, Sir. AL %V... Newcastle upon Tyne Roberts, W. A. Bewdley Roberts, A. W. Maidstone Rochfort, G.... . . Westmeath Robinson, G. R. ... Worcester Robinson, Sir G Northampton Rogers, E. ..... Bishop's Castle Rose, G. P........ . Christchurch Rose, Sir G. H. ... Christchurch Ross, C . St. Genretins Rumbold, C. E. . .. Yarmouth, N Russell, V......... Durham County Russell, C...... Reading Russell, Lord ...... Taristech Russell. R. G. ..... . Thirsle Russell, J. .... Kinsale Ruthven, E. S. .., Downpatriek Ryder, G. D... . Tiverton Sadler, AL ... Newark Sandford, E. A. .. Somersetshire Sandon, Visct. Tiverton Saunderson, Alex. .. Cavan Scnrlett, Sir J. .... . Melton

Schonswar, G.

Hull Scott, Sir S,. Wuhl tchurch Scott, H. F. ..... Roxburghsh ire Sebright, Sir J. S. .. Hertfordshire Sefton, Earl of... ... Droitwich Severn, J. C Fowey Seymour, H. B. S... Bodmin Seymour, Lord Okehampton Shaw, F Dublin Shelley, Sir .1


Shelley, J. V. Gatton Shirley, E. J. ..... Monaghan Sibthorpe, C. D. L. W. Lincoln Sidney, Sir P. C..... Eye Slaney, It. A. Shrewsbury Smith, J. A.. . Nidhurst Smith, J. Chichester Smith, T. A... Andover Smith, G. Midhurst Smith, Sir C. E. . Pontefract Smith, . Wendover Smith, A. . . . Wendover Smith, R. V. Tralee Smith, R. Buckinghamshire.

Somerset, Lord G


Somerset, Lord R.


Somerville, Sir Meath Sotheron, F . Nottinghamshire Spence, G. .... .Ripon Spottiswoode,A.. Cokhester Stanley, E.G. S..... Preston Stanley, Lord ... Lancashire Stanley, W. S. Stockbridge Staunton, Sir G. T.. Heytesbury Stevens, S. L. ...... Barnstaple Stewart, Sir H . Tyrone Stewart, Sir AL S. .. Renfrewshire Stormont, Viscount. Atdboroggh St. Paul, Sir II. D.C. Bridport Strathavon, Lord ... Huntingdonshire Strutt, E. .• .... Derby Stuart, FL V. . Banbury Stuart, Lord D. C. . Arundel Stuart, J. ....... , ifuntineon Stuart, Ld. P. J. IL. Cardiff Stuart, W. Bedfordshire Sugden, Sir E. B.. Weymouth Sumner, G. H....... Guildford Surry, Earl of .. ..• Horsham Sykes, ...... Beverley Talbot, C. R. Glamorganshire Tavistock,Marquis of Bedfordshire Taylor, G. W. ..... Devizes go.. Taylor, M. A, . Durham ............ Tennant, 0.. . • . St. Al/last's Tennyson, C. Mete/1**y Thompson, W.... . London Thompson, G. L..... Yarmouth, I. Wight Thomson, P. B. . Wenlock Thomson, C. P. .. . Dover Thynne, Lord J... Bath Thynne, Lord WI.... Weobly Thynne, Lord H. F.. Weobty Tomes, J. Warwick Tomline, W. E. . . . Minehead Townshend, Lord J. N. B. B. Helston Townshend, Lord C. V. F. Tamwortls Townshend, J. R. .. Whilehurch Traill, G. .. , „ Orkneyshiro Trench, F. W.... Cambridge Trevor, G. R. .. Carmarthen Trevor, A. ..... . ... New Romney Tudor, G.. ..... • Barnstapte Tuffton, H. . Appleby Tullamore, Vis. . ... Carlow Turin°, E. R........ Bossiney Twiss, H... Newport, I. Wig/It Tynte, C. K. K. ... Bridgewater Tyrell, J. T. ..... Essex Tyrell, C. Suffolk Ure, ....... . Weymouth Uxbridge, Earl of .. Angleseyskire Valentia, Vis. . . Wexford Valletort, Viscount. P/ymptors Vaughan, Sir R. W.. Merionethshire Vaughan, J. E....... Wells Vere, J. J. H. . . . Ilehester Vernon, G. G. V. .. . Lichfield Villiers, Lord .....Rochester Villiers, T. H..... .. Wootton Bassett,.., Vivian, Sir R. H. Windsor Vyvyan, Sir R. R. .. Cornwall


Waithman, R London A. Wall, C. B. . Guildford A. Walpole, J. .. . King's Lynn x Walrond, B. . ..... Sudbury -.. Walsh, Sir J. B. ... Sudbury -.• Warburton, H. .... Bridport a. Ward, NV. ..... . . London .-- Warrender, Sir G... Honiton A. , Watson, R... ..... . Canterbury A. ' Webb, E.. .... Gloucester A. I 'Welby, G. E. .... . Grantham A. \ Wellesley, P. T. L... St. Ives A. (. Wemyss, J. . . .. ... Fifeshire - West, F. R. . ...... East Grinstead - Western, C. C. .. . Essex A.

Wetherell, Sir C. .. Boroughbridge - ( Weyland, J. ... .... . Hindon • A. . Whitbread, W. II... Bedford ••• White, H. ... ..... Dublin li White, S. ........ . Leitrim se.

Whitmore, T. .... . Bridgenorth - Whitmore, W. W... Bridgenorth a Wigram, W..... .. Wexford -. Wilbraham, G. .. .. . Stockbridge A Wilks, J. .......... Boston .s.

Williams,J Winehelsea ....

Williams, 0. ...... Great Marlow rr Williams, T. P... • . Great Marlow - Williams, Sir IL .... Beaumaris Williams, R. . . Dorchester - Willoughby, IL . - Newark - Wilson, Sir R. T.... Southwark - Winchester, H..... . Maidstone N Wood, J. . Preston A.

Wood, T. ...... .. Brecknoclakire N Wood, C.... . . ..- Great Grimsby A Wood, AL .... ... .. London ..

Worcester. Marg. of Monmouth -.

Wortley, J. S..... . Forfar Burghs x Wortley, C. S Bossiney -. Wrottesley, Sir J... Staffordshire A Wrightson, W. B. . Hull a Wyndham, W. .... Salisbury - Wynn, Sir W. %V... Denbighshire s.

Wynn, C. W. W. .. Montgomeryshire A. Wynne, C. W. G. .. Carnarconskire - Wynne, J..... .... . Sligo - Wyse, Jun. T. ..... Tipperary A Yorke, Sir J. S. .... Reigate -