Illustrations Of Tfie Annuals. No V.
LE KEEPSAKE FILANiAIS. IF the letterpress contents of this annual be as much English as the manner and style of its embellishments, it will require naturalization in France. The......
Royal Society.
THE meetin g s of the Royal Society for the . session commenced on Thursday evening, when there was a very full attendance of members. .The minutes of the last mia.ting of the......
Taxes On Newspapers. To Tile Editor Of The Spectator.
SIR—I am inclined to agree with your correspondent W. that a revenue would not suffer by the reduction of the duty on newspaper stamps. I agree with him that !many hundreds who-......
"asixtrals," Says Our Botanical Dictionary, "are Such...
of one year's duration, or which continue for a few months only. The plants of this tribe are very numerous." For "plants" read " books," and the description is a perfectly......
To The Editor Of The Spectator.
38. West Square, November 170, MO. SIR--4 letter havin g appeared in most of the public journals, signed Aaronnw DuNcast," attacking my professional character, I trust to yaur......