THE meetings of the Royal Society for the . session commenced on Thursday evening, when there was a very full attendance of members. .The minutes of the last mia.ting of the preceding. session, which contained full abstracts of the papers then presented, and which are generally nu. merous at that period, were read ; and the reading of them occupied the greater part of the time of the meeting. The titles of these papers were as follow.—On a new Fulminate of Silver, and its application as a test for Chlorine, in a letter addressed to the President : by Edmund Davy, Esq. Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Dublin Society. An Account of experiments tried at Chatham for the purpose ofobtaining an artificial water cement : by Lieut.-Col. C. W. Pasley, R.E. On a new Register- Pyrometer for measuring the expansions of solids, and determining the higher degrees of temperature upon the common thermometer scale : by J. F. Daniell, Esq. Sequel to a paper on Calculous Diseases, and the concretions to which they give rise: by John Yelloly, M.D. On the Illumination of Light-houses : by Lieutenant Thomas Drummond, R.E. —communicated by Lieutenant-Colonel Colby, R.E. On the Error in Standards of Linear Measure, arising from the thickness of the bar on which they are traced : by Captain Henry Kater. An Account of the Gas-engine, by its inventor, Samuel Brown, Esq.—communicated by Dr. Philips. On Lithotrity : by the Baron Heurteloup—communicated by Joshua Brookes, Esq. Observations made at the Surveyor-General's Observatory, Chouringhee, near Calcutta, and other places in Hindostan, in the beginning of the year 1822, to determine the Magnetic Variation: by John Macdonald, Esq.—communicated by the President. Observa- tions on the Second Comet of 1828, made at Rio de Janeiro, by Lieu. tenant (now Captain) William Robertson, R.N.--communicated in a letter to Captain Basil Hall, RN. On the Transient Magnetic state of which various substances are susceptible : by William Snow Harris, Esq. —communicated by the President. On some new Optical Phenomena, in a letter to Davies Gilbert, Esq.: by John Herapath, Esq. Most of these papers will be published in the part of the Philosophical Transac- tions about to appear.
J. Brunel, Esq. Richard Graswell, Esq. John H. Hawkins, Esq. and Philip Pusey, Esq. were admitted Fellows of the Royal Society.
The following gentlemen were proposed as candidates for election as Fellows :—Isaac Wilson, M.D. Physician to the Royal Hospital at Hasler ; John Lee, LL.D. of Hartwell House, Buckinghamshire, and of the College of Advocates of Doctors' Commons ; William Hughes Hughes Esq. M.P. F.L.A. F.L.S. Barrister-at-Law, of Ryde, in the- Isle of Wight.
A long list of books, presented to the Society during the recess, was announced to the meeting. A beautifully-engraved portrait of the late Dr. Wollaston, by Mr. William Skelton, was also presented. A paper was then read, on the nature of Negative and of Imaginary Quantities. By Davies Gilbert, Esq. President of the Royal Society. At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Gilbert announced his intention of retiring from the office of President, at the approaching Anniversary Meeting, which is to be held on St. Andrew's Day :Ktli0 30th instant), for the election of the Council and officers for the erisuing year.