Munnen.—a Person Named Ferneley, Who Resides At Hulme,...
was arrested on Sunday week, on suspicion of murdering the infant child of his wife by another husband, by administering vitriol to it. The alleged murder took place on Thursday......
Seditious Writfngs.—a Policeman, Named Lonergan, Brought...
on Saturday, four men, whom he charged with selling straws and distributing seditious writings. The seditious writings were an extract from the Times, Lord Mayor Key's letter,......
Digested Report Of Law Proceedings.
HOUSE OF Loges. MARQUIS OF BUTE v. COOPER. — Judgment was affirmed in this case on Wednesday. The late Marquis of Bute had made a proposal to Mr. Cooper, keeper of the Museum at......
Court Ivionminso.—an Order For The Court Going Into...
peered in Wednesday's Gazette. The death of a cousin of her Majesty is the cause. THE LORD-CHANCELLOR'S FAnewEEL.---The Court of Chancery was closed on Wednesday. The Lord......