20 NOVEMBER 1830, page 15

The Motion Of The Ceianotilloa Of The Excnsousa Was,--" That

Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair;" that Is. that the House, In Committee, proceed to discuss the items of the Civil List. Sir HENRY PARNELL'S Amendment ran, "rct leave out......

Notwithstanding Our Exertions To Render These Lists...

been continued to the moment of.going topress, we can hardly hope, from our experience of the difficulty of our task, that they are entirely flee from errors. We will notice in......

Members Not Computed In The House.

Brougham, Henry Knaresborough Capel, John Queenborough Durham, Sir Philip Ditto Ebrington, Lord Tavistock Member for Devon. Holmes, William Hceslemere Member for Queenborougb.......

Summary Analysis Of The Division.

.... 87 .... 24 000D 0000 000* 244 82 138 258 60 30 15 Absent. Total. 6 .... 12 7 .... 12 25 •••• 15 .... 36 — — 205 647 — 83 Ayes. Noes. ENGLAND Counties 43 .... 16 4600......