FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, October 16.
CHAPMAN and Co., Radcliffe, Lancashire, spirit,dealers-DoesoN and GLOVER. Preston, tea-dealers-BARKER and Co., M:inchcster, packers-SINGLETON and HEVES, Liverpool, architects-AN-mutate, and TAYLOR. Liverpool, printers -Pi DOKON and Co., Reading, printers-Hems and Co., Manchester, rectifiers; as far as regards Ronstersoee -Paulen,: and AUOHTIE, Agar Street, Strand, entlers-BerrEus and WAR% Hay- market, wholesale-cot:feet ioners-SPENCER and Sox, Denholme, worstettntanufacturms -Siciewere and ATHERSTONE, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers-ARMSTRONG and CLAYTON. Skinnerburn, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, raft: merchants-Rorrwe and Co., Birmingham, bankers; as far as regards SMITH-HAWDEN and Co., Lockwood, York- shire, grocers-Hom.owAy and Wners, Bieester, attornies-atlaw-Bat muss, and WAmesEsv. Dukinfteld, dyers-Ens awl Co., London-OsivER and JONES, Holing- worth, paper manufacturers-Twig') and Co., Radford, screw-makers.
CARTER, HORATIO, HILSIillgS, chemist, Oct. 15. WHEELER. SAMUEL ALLEN, Birmingham. wine-merchant, Oct. 9.
ANDREWS.'JONATHAN, SIVOIld, tailor, to surrender Oct. 22, Nov. 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Cooke and Hunter, New Inn.
BLACKSTONE, JOSEPH, junior, Gainsford Street, Horslyilow% lightermau, Nov. 1, 27: solicitor. Mr. Young, Mark Lane ; official assignee. Mr. Graham, Cepthall Court, Cresaw, WILLIAM, Blackburn, draper. Nov. 8, 27: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Weatherall, King's Bench Walk, Temple ; and Mr. Wale, Clit hero.
Coe eTAN Jortee Liverpool, tailor, Oct. 30, Nov. 27: solicitors, Mr. Vincent, Temple ; and Mr. Minshall, Liverpool.
E nwa lies, ADAM. 01.111a111, retailer of spirits, Oct. :30, 31, Nov. 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co., !leaned Row ; and Mr. Makiusun, Manchester. E DWA Its-, Davrn, M i I titril, butter-merchant , NOV. 7, 27 : solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore, Lincoln's let: and Messrs. Bevan and Britten, Bristol. GILLED, THOM AS, Chnlestown, near M anehester, publican, Oct. 29, 30. Nov. 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co., Bedford Row ; and Mr. Morris, Manchester.
Joress, Jour:, Liverpool, bricklayer. Oct. 29, Nov. 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Blacksteck and 13 mice, Seremtni s' Inn ; and Mr. Robinson, Liverpool.
MEncEiere, IV, Trees! CHRISTOPHER, Ludlow, horse-dealer, Oct, 19, Nov. 27: soli- citors. Messrs. Clarke and Co., Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Waco. Shrewsbury.
N se,oR, Davi e, Manchester. carpet-manufacturer, Nov. 6, 7. 27 : solicitors. MesSrs. .Tolinson and Weatherall, Temple ; and Messrs. Booth and Harrison, Manchester. .
Selmer, GEORGE Be:item, Liverpool. joiner, Nov. 1,27: soliciturs, Messrs. Wahnsley and Co., Chancery Lane ; and Mr. Hoiden, Liverpool. THORPE, THOMAS GLOSSOP, Milton Street, Dorset Square, fish-sauce-manufacturer, Oct. 23, Nov. 27: solicitor, Mr. Hudson, King Street, Cheapside ; official assigueo, Mr. Kitchener, Tee hbury. WELLS. A NTIIONY. Kennington Place, Vauxhall, surgeon. Oct. 2 /, Nos-. 27: solieitors, Messrs. Grover and Si nart, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Lothbury. Wiser, JA :SIFF M and Jou It ENRY, SqOare, Roston, brewers, ft-I. e6, Nov. 27; solicitors, Me-sre. Gresham and Miller, Castle Street, lk,lborn ; official assignee, Mr. Green, King's Arms Yard.
Nov. 8, Carroll. Newcastle Place, Edgeware Road, baker-Nov. 0, Perks, Mencktun Combe, cheese Bider -Nov. 6, Fortnum and Menelce. Nunhewl Hill, patent-hriek- makers-Nov. S. Bumpus. Newgate Si reet, bookseller-Nov. 10, Mercer and Co., Swan- sea. coal-owners-Nov. 6, W. and J. Russell, Sonthampton, upholsterers-Nov. 6, Savage. WI iitechapel. cheesemonger -Nov. 8, Mann, Charles Street, St. James's Square, scrivener-Nev. 8, Pape, Northampton Square, tailor-Nov. 8, Evans, Carmarthen. dreper-Nov. 17, Wuod, Headingley, curnquiller-Nov. 9, Potter and Maude, Darwen. calieo•printers.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Nor. 6. Eeroyd, Rochdale, nail manufacturer-Mwen, Aintree, innkeeper-Lockett end Penswick, Manchester, engravets-Sparrow, Wolverhampton, factor-Laverack, King- ston-upon-Hull, corn-actor-Barclay, York, bookseller-Bolton, Remington, catVe- dealer-Townsend, Brighton, brewer-Parker, Argyll Place, Regent Street, bronzist Clerkeuwell Green, wine.merchant.
ANDERSON, IN-MI.1AM, junior, Leith, :nerehaut, Oct. 19, Nov. 7. BROWNING, W. am! A., Glasgow, grain-merchants, Oct. 19, Nov. 5. KYDD, THOMAS, Arbroath, clothier, Oct. 17,31.
RID, JOHN, Glasgow, grocer, Oct. 19, Nov. 3.
Friday, October 19.
H. and S. RAWSON, Manchester, hosiers-SI NIMS aud POWELT„ Bath, milliners- STONIER and Il ATWOOD, Derby, iron-founders-PODGER and WATMOUGH, Jew's Harp Wharf, Regent's Park Basin, coal-merchants-lioysTox and Co., Manchester, small- ware-manufacturers-WEBB and SANDERSON, Manchester, serew-bolt-makers-PLET-- etrER and NEVILLE, surgeons-B. and II. JosEen, Bristol, jewellers-StrA es and MAR- TIN. High Street, ShadWell, tohaceo-manufacturers-SUUTTLEWORTII and Wen:maim jun., Market Harborough, Leicestershire, attorneys-at-law-WRIGHT and GAMBLE, Grenville Street, Brunswick Square, stegeons-R. and J. SEATON, Merthyr Tidvil, Glamorganshire, tea-dealers-Writs:1' and ileangs. Bristol, cabinet-makers -STRANG and CORY, Allington, Dorsetshire, surgeons-W. and It. C. MATTI, Salford Priors, Warwickshire, theaters-Mara and 'NICHOLLS, Fosdike, Lincolnshire, coal-merchants-- I. and T. F. Sreee.E, High Street-, Southwark -SE FRRETT and Co, Winsford, Cheshire, salt manufacturers; as for as regards S. DAVIES-Durn.Ev and Co., Winsford, Cheshire, salt-manufacturers ; RS far as regards S. DAVIES-W., I,, and J. GLENCRIPIS, Devonport, druggists; as far as regards W. GLENCROSS-ConsEra, and Co., Parkholm, near Glas- gow, calieo-printers-Itorga and Co., Glasgow, apothecaries.
TuostAs, W., T., and I., Narrow Street, Ratcliffe, ship-owners, Oct. IS.
CHAN:cox, Ram, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, dealer, to surrender Oct. 30, Nov. 30 : solicitor, Mr. Reisman, Queen Street Place, Upper Thames Street ; official as- signee, Mr. Turquand, Copthall Buildings.
-COLLINS, bone: MA:scone, Montpellier Square, Knightsbridge, livery-stable-keeper, Nov. 2, 30: solicitors, Messrs. Drew, Bermondsey Street ; and Mr. Lackinton, Basing. hall Street. GELDARP, WILLIAM, Denmark Street, Soho, currier, Oct. 26, Nov. 30: solicitor, Mr. Vincent, Bedford Street, Bedford Square. IlonesoN, JOHN WILSON, Wigton, Cumberland, common-brewer, Oct. 26, Nov. 30: so- licitors, Mr. Addison, Verulam -Buildings, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Lightfoot, Wigton. HUT, ME. WILLIAM, Manchester, draper, Nov. 5, 6, 30; solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Weatherall, Temple; • and Messrs. Booth and Harrison, Manchester. LYON, JOHN, jun.,Salford, Lancashire, malt-dealer, Nov. 12, 14,38; solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co., Bedford Row ; and Mr. Law, Manchester. MARSH, WILLIAM WATSON, Oxford Street, bookseller, Nov. 2' 30: solicitors, Mr. Lane, Argyle Street, Oxford Street; official assignee, Mr. Clark, St. Swithia's Lane. POWIS, BENJAMIN, St. Helen's Place, merchant, Oct. 26, Nov. 30: solicitors, Messrs. Keaesey and Hughes, Loth/airy; official assignee, Mr. Green, King's Arms Yard.
Nov. 9, Elliott, Chatham, grocer-Nov. 9, Fuller jun., Ramsgate, grocer-Nov. 10. Mercer and Ely, Swansea, Glamorganshire, coatowners-Nov. 17, Watkinson, Marsh Gate, Lambeth, publican-Nov. 12,- Davy, Parker Street, Drury Lone, coach-wheel- wright-Nov. 15, Retakes, Little Abingdon Street, Westminster, coal-merchant-NOv. 9, Hawkes, Pall Mall, silk-rnercer-Nov. 9, Sykes, George Street, Mansiouhonse, factor -Nov. 12, S. arid F. Burstall, Kingston-upon-Hull, merchants-Nov. 30, Anderson, Bradford, Yorkshire, oil-dealer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or Wife Nem 9.
Francis, Bristol, builder-Mitchell, Strand, hosier-Adams, Leadenhali Street, scrivener-Balley, Mina Road, Old Kent Road, carpenter-Collins and Prior, Gosivell Street, horse-dealers.
RAT, JAMES, Partick, weaver, Oct. 93, Nov. 6.