" 0 Could To Me;" A Ballad. By Jonx Tnomscion, Esq.
"Where art thou ;" a Song. By the same. The first of these compositions abounds with touches of strong feeling, and is most skilfully accompanied. The secoil is more elabo-......
The Madrigal Society.
Tins strange, old-fashioned society meets when there is " not a creature in London," and to sing music of which " no one ever beard." Yes, it is very true that its movements are......
"i Can Never Forget Thee ;" A Ballad. Sung By
Mr. WILSON in the "Fancy Ball." By A. LEE. Mr. LEE, though not a great musician has contrived to hit off, now and then, a pleasing melody; and this is musician, an average......
"lilian May." Composed By W. Ball And J. Moscheles.
Mr. MOSCHELES, in contributing the accompaniment to this ballad, has made something, we won't say out of nothing, but out of very little.......
"the Smiling Spring ;" A Ballad. By S. S. Wesley,
Esq. Mr. WESLEY has studied in a school of which one of the rules is a connexion between sound and sense. That he has not studied in vain, this sow* would be sufficient to show......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 12th inst., at the Rectory, East Clandon, the Lady of the Rev. EDWARD loos WARD, of a daughter. On the 15th inst., at Warwick, Mrs. GEORGE RUKNELL, of Cadogan......
Four Sacred Melodies. The Words by C. V. INCLEDON; the Music by R. A. WALLIS. There is a spirit of fervent and rational piety about these words, which bespeaks them to have been......
Prices Current. Friday:
834 834 901 901 914 914 188 20 21 10 11 FOREIGN FUNDS. The Dividends on Stocks printed preceded by an Asterisk the 47 44 die 994 994 94 131 131 BUTCHERS' MEAT. SMITHFIELD,......