Sir Walter Scott's Estate.—a Story Has Gone The Round Of
the newspapers respecting a contemplated application to Parliament by the family of Sir Walter Scott, for an extension of the copyright of his works. No such application has......
SATURDAY, Two o'CLocx. The Conference met yesterday, in Downing Street, to hear read the last note of the King of Holland, in answer to the proposals for a treaty of peace with......
There Are No Accounts From Oporto Either At The Admiralty
or at the Foreign Office, although fourteen days have elapsed since the last arrival. The Portuguese Ambassador is astonished at this delay.......
Name Has Not Yet Come Before The Public. The American
packet now lying at Portsmouth was a few days ago minutely examined all through by the police, but no culprit was found. Similar measures of vigi- lance are adopted at all the......
Arrangements Are Making, In The Proper Office, For The Early
dis- solution of Parliament; which, it is expected, will take place be- fore the 10th of December.......
The Times Correspondent Of This Morning Rests The...
the French Ministry on the evacuation of Antwerp and the ex- pulsion of the Dutchess DE BERRI,—if this latter event, of which we have heard so often, have not already taken......
Gliolera. — The Reports Of The Week Are As Follows—
New Cases. New Cases. Deaths. Recoveries. Saturday 0 45 qS .. . °It; Monday 382 214 263 T uesdav 166 62 123 Wed nesday 364 170 209 Thursday 211 ho 137 Friday 212 91 171......
Prince Talleyrand And Baron Bulow Have Had Several Inter-...
on the Belgian question. It is said that the Prussian Go- vernment will not oppose coercive measures. This is said, how- ever, by those who have said a hundred things which have......
The Duchess Of Angouleme Arrived At Vienna On The 6th,
and is lodged in the Imperial palace. She had previously paid a visit to Schoenbrunn, where she was received with the highest respect by their Majesties and by all the members......
Death Of Mr, James Stephen. —another Who Has Acted Do Un-
distinguished part in the great drama of life, has just quitted its stage, and gone to Ins eternal rest. Mr. Stephen died at Bath, on the 10th instant, of a diseased liver. He......