A Steam-vessel Left The River On Saturday Afternoon, With...
hundred fine young men, several officers, and a quantity of guns, shot, small arms, and other stores, destined for the service of Don Pedro at Oporto. A ship sailed from the......
A Duel Between A Captain Arens And A Mr. M'donald
took place on Saturday morning, in a field near West End. The duel arose out of a dispute on the relative merits of Colonel Jones and Mr. Portman. The Captain, says the Globe......
Wherries And Steam-boats.—a Conviction Was Obtained By...
at the Middlesex Sessions, on Tuesday, against the Captain of the Glasgow steam-boat, for causing a wherry to fill with water, on the 12th August last. The chief witness was a......
Omnibuses And Private Carriages.—mr. Wynne Ellis, The Re-...
for Leicester, and ribbon-merchant on Ludgate Ihll, prosecuted on Tuesday no fewer than twenty-four omnibus-owners and drivers, for obstructing the street. The complaint was......