901 901
914 914 188 20 21 10 11 FOREIGN FUNDS. The Dividends on Stocks printed preceded by an Asterisk the 47 44 die 994 994 94 131 131 BUTCHERS' MEAT.
Beef V.V. to Ss. od. to Ss. 45 2, led. to 3s. 41. to 13s. 80,
Mutton 3 0 3 4 . 310 3 0 3 8 .. 4 4
Pork............ 4 0 .. 4 3 .. 5 4 5 2 .. 0 0 .. GO Lamb ...... 4 0 .. 4 0 .. 0 0 5 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 By the Carcase, per stone of Bibs. t Sinking the offal, per atone of 131b6e
The highest price of Bread iu the Metropolis is SO. for the 41b. Loaf.
Thole has been a good supply of Wheat and Flour this week, and the mealing trade is exceedingly dull on scarcely so good terms as on Monday. Barley is here in some abundance, and meets a heavy sale, at a decline of at least Is. per quarter. In Beans and Peas there is no variation in value; but Oats are rather cheaper than otherwise.
S. F.
Wheat, Red New42 to 50i
Fine ..... 5- .. 55j White, Old... 48 .. 54
Fine 54 .. 56 Superfine .. 60
New 0 0
Rye. Nev 30 361 Maple SR.. 89 Barley, Stained 20.. 201 While 38 42 Malting 34 361 Boiler.: 43 44 'Malt, Ordinary 50 60, Ileans, Ticks . 23 .. 31
Fine 60 62' IlarroW . Peas, Hog 37 39 Old 36. . 33
Oats. recd..... 17 19 Fine 50 •• Poland
Fine 52141 25e: roFtlint: 25 .. 26
SHARE S. (Last Official Quotation during the Week.)
HINES. per Share. Paid.
Anglo.Mexican,.. £100 ..£100 Bolanos 150 .. 150 Bolivar 50 .. 20 Brazilian 20 ... 5 Ditto, Imperial 35 ... 20 Ditto, National 25 .. • 174
Du. St. John del Rey 20 ... 10
British Iron 50 ... 50 Colombian 55 . 484 English 25 . . 124 General 20 . 11 Hibernian 50 . • . 10 Irish Mining 25 ... 5 Mexican 100 . 44 Real del Monte 400 ... 400 United Mexican 40 ... 40 Ditto Scrip - 5
Commercial...per share of X100 140 East Country 100 - East India per Ct. London 47 St. Katherine - Ditto, 44 per Cent. Bonds - 34 Ditto, 4 per Cent. Ditto. - 94 West India
224 Hammersmith .per share of £50 - Southwarls... Average 631. 2s. 8d.
- Ditto, New 74 per Cent.- £50 - Vauxhall ...Average 701.10s. 3d.
34 Waterloo £100
17 Ditto, Ann. of Si. for 60/. 34 Ditto, Ditto of 71. for 40/. - 1 Ditto, 5 per Cent. Bonds of 100/.
HAY AND STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)
701. to 00s 50s. to (3s. COs. to 80s.
50 G5 0 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0
05 105 PO . 05 80 .. 110
27 . 33 26 .. Si 24 .. 30 CUSIDERL ton.
Hay, Coarse Meadow.- 75s. to 80,
Useful Ditto • .... 50 70 Upland Ditto ...... o 0 Closer .. 90 105 Straw, Wheat 0 .. 30
55 61 754 1034 so 24 24 184 24 24 21 113 BRITISH 3 per Cent. Consols
Ditto for Account
3 per Cent. Reduced 31 tier Cents. of 1818.
Reauced 34 per Cents
New 34 per ('ents. 4 per Cents. of 1826. New 5 per Cents. Long Annuities BankStock, 8 pr Ct. for Opg India Stock, 104 per Cent South Sea Stock, 34p. Cent Carnatic Stock, 4 per Cent. Ditto Ditto, 3 per Cent. Exchequer Bills,14d.p.diem. India Bonds, 24 per Cent.. Setter. FUNDS. Monday.
84 841 911
189 200 21 22 13 14 (Closing Tuesday.
84 841 91/
189 21 22 13 14 Prices.) Wednes.
- 841 841 shut shut shut 92 shut
1)3St 201)
21 22pm 13 14pm
84 84/
92 1874 200 22 13 14 Thurs.
834 834 21 20
11 10
1874 2004 Austrian 5 p. Ct. Belgian 5 - Brazilian 5 *Buenos Ayres 6 - *Chili= 6 - *Colombian 6 - *Ditto of 1824 6
Danish 3 - Dutch 24 -
Do (Rothschild'sCers) 24 :- French 5 - Ditto, &rip 5 - Ditto 3 - Ditto Bank Shares . of 1200 Frs. Greek of 1825 5 p. Ct. 96f. 20c 961. 90c. 631. Oc 1680E 28 (Last Official Quota ion during the Week.) in Italics are not payable in London; on those Dividends are totally or partially suspended. 89 *Mexican 5 p. Ct. 21 76 *Ditto 6 264 484 Ditto, (Div. from)1836 5 -_ 22 Ditto, Ditto 6 - _ 154 Neapolitan of 1824 5 - *Peruvian 6 - 104 Portuguese 5 - 684 Ditto 'Regency Scrip 5 - 414 Prussian 5 - - Ditto of 1822 5 Russian of 1822 5 Ditto (New) 5 *Spanish, 1820 5 'Ditto. 1821 and 1922 5 'Ditto, 1823 5
AVERAGE PRICES Per Quarter (Imperial) for theWeek Wheat 550. 45. !Bye Barley 30 3 Oats 18 11 Aggregate Average of the regulates Whent- ...- 56s. 24. I Basler 53 1 Oats - 19 4 Duty on FOREIGN CORN Wheat 30s. 85. I Burley 12 4 Oats 16 9 OF CORN of England and Wales, ending Oct. 12. 32s.11d.
Beans .....• .. 35 7 Peas 39 4 last Six Weeks, which Duty.
Rye ' 330.11d. Beans 35 7 Peas ...... 39 6 for the present Week. Rye 195. 94.
Beans . 15 6
Pen- 11 0
Town-made.... ......... ....per snck 450. to 505.
Seconds 40 45 E-sex and Suffolk, on board ship 35 .. 40 Norfolk and Stockton 30 .. 36
Kidneys .................per ton 01.00. to 01. Os.
Wares. .............. ........ 2 10 .. 8 10
Kent Pockets per eat. 71. Os. .. Si. Os.
Sussex Pockets 6 6 44. 7 7
Rape Oil per ton Mit. Os. Refined .............. 35 0 Linseed Oil ...... ..... 24 0 Linseed Oil Cake at the Mill.....per io00 11 0 llepe Cake per ton 5
Wall's End, Best per ton 19s 61.10 220.00. ........ Inferior 16 6 .. 18 6 SUGAR
5Iuscovado (exclusive of duty) per cast. 575. ad. Molasses 55s to Els.
Gold, Portugal, in Coin per oz. OF. Os. Od .... Foreign, in Bars ...... 3 17 9 .
... Nets Doubloons 0 0 0 Silver, in Bars, Standard ...... 0 0 0 ,... New Dollars ,.........- ...... 0 4 95
Sold October 11th at Redruth.
Copper Ore 9 517 tons. Amount of Money ..... ....... 14,2611. Os. Od,
Average Price 5 12 6
Average Standard 113 13 0 Average Produce ..................per cent. 74 Quantity of Fine Copper 186 tons 7 cwt.
Iron, in Bars 61.00. GI. 00. 05. .... Figs.. • 4 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Hcops..... 8 10 0 .. 0 0 0
Tins, in Bars S 14 6 .. 0 0 0 .... Ingots 313 0 .. 0 0 0 Blocks 312 5.. 0 0 0 Quicksilver........per lb 0 I 104.. 0 0 0 Copper, in Sheets 0 0 10 .. 0 0 • . Cake -paten 85 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Lelia, Pig lie.. 00011