The warlike appearances of the last week have not been without their effect on the Funds; but the English Stocks have maintained themselves beyond ex- pectation, Consols not having at any time declined more than ?; per cent. from the closing price of Saturday. The purchases for money have been on an ex- tensive scale ; and as the public have not sold Stock, the amount held by jobbers was soon exhausted. Money Stock is now very scarce, the price for im- mediate delivery being the same as for Account 28th November. The speech of the King of Holland to the States General arrived here on Thursday, and its warlike tenor depressed the price of Consols to 8311; a reaction has since
taken place to 831-, 84, and the closing price of this afternoon is 88.4 Bank Stock has fluctuated more than usual : the price on Thursday was 18:1e, being 3 per cent, lower than last week ; the price has improved to-day, and is quoted 187, 188. Exchequer Bills maintained themselves at 21s. 22s. prem. till to- day, but have declined to 20s. 21s. prem. India Stock has been at 199 and 201; and the last price of yesterday was 200.
The transactions of the Foreign Market have been almost entirely confined to Dutch Stock, in which business to a very large amount has been done,-the lowest price on Thursday being 40i, or nearly 2 per cent, lower than that of Saturday last ; but a reaction to 41 took place before the close of business. The Bonds have to-day been to 404 ; but close higher, viz. 4.0i The transactions have been of a nature nearly similar to those in Consols ; the purchases for money have exceeded the said, and the stock is becoming scarce. Belgian Stock has been 74, and closes at 74* 76. Greek Bonds have
improved to 28; they close at 27, 28. Brazilian Stock has continued steady, and closes at its highest price, 4. Portuguese Bonds have been to 461, but close at 47,,i 48. Regency Scrip has improved, the last price being 44 4J. dis. Spanish Stork has been dull, and closes at I33 a. The other Foreign Stocks remain nearly at last week's prices.
The Market has been in a tranquil state during the whole morning. Consols have alternated two or three times between buyers and sellers at 83i. Exchequer Bills are a shade higher. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has been steady at 404 Portuguese Regency Scrip has improved, and has been at 4i dis.
We are without any foreign arrivals, and cannot quote any French prices. Spec Cent. Consols 831 .1 I Belgian 5 per Cents. 74I jMexican 6 per Cents. 26 7
Ditto for Account 831 Brazilian 5 per Cents. 48+I Portuguese 5 per Cts. 47/ 8 New 3+ per Cent. Ann. 911i Danish 3 per Lents. 6..+ t Do. Regency Se.5 p. Cl. 4/
Bank Stock 1871 Dutch 2+ per Cents. 404 4 Prussian (1518)5 p. Cl. - India Stock - I French 3 per Cents.,--- Russian (1S22) 5 p. Ct. 99 +
Exchequer Bills 21 22 I Greek (1825)5 p. Cts.27423 Spanish (1821) 5 p.Ct.13+ it