On the 12th, the following Gentlemen were appointed the Caput 'br the ensuing year. The Vice-Chancellor-W. Chafy, D.D., Sidney Sussex College, Divinity; Geldart, D.C.L„ Trinity Hall, Law ; Cope, M.D., St. John's College, Physic; E. I. Ash, M.A., Christ's College, Sen. Non. Reg.; J. Graham, M.A., Queen's College, Sen. Re'.
At a Congregation on Wednesday last, the following degrees were conf■ reed. Masters of Arts-C. Lestourgeon, Trinity College ; A. A. Barker, St. Peter's College, Com- pounder. Bachelors of Arts-d. Hiblx•rt, R. H. Wilkinson, Fellows of King's College ;
G. W. Barron, St. John's College; G. P. Bennett, Catharine Hall. At the same Congregation, the Rev, J. Graham. B.D., of Jesus College, and the Rev. H. J. Rose, B.D., of St. John's College, were appointed Pro-Proctors.
On the same occasion, the Rev. II. Parsons, M.A., of Balliol College, Oxford, was ad- mitted ad maiden of this University.
On the 17th, the Rev. W. Goddard, M.A., Fellow of Jesus, was neminated a Pro Proctor for the current year, in the tom/ of W. Falconer, ALA, Pillow of Exciter 3"igned,