- The accounts from Madrid of the 4th instant describe
FERDI- NAND as out of danger. It is said that during his illness, the Queen promised the English Minister, that if her royal husband recovered, he would issue an amnesty, for the 10th October, in favour of all emigrants and persons in custody for political offences. The amnesty was, it is added, to consist of but one article, and to contain no exceptions. The decree reversing the former decree passed in favour of his daughter, was obtained by CALOMARDE by working on the fears of the Queen. FERDINAND, who was in a state of stupor when he signed it, was, on his recovery, quite un- conscious of its existence. The Queen was on the 8th instant ap- pointed Regent during his Majesty's illness.
It may be mentioned, as indicative of the anticipated liberality Of FERDINAND'S future proceedings, that General VIVES, who was Governor of Havannah during the Cortes, forms one of the new • Ministry ; nor is the General the only Constitutionalist now in power.