b e Parliament.
The House of Lords met on Tuesday, soon after two o'clock, for the purpose of further proroguing Parliament. The Commissioners were the Lord Chancellor and Lords Lansdowne and Wellesley; Lords Goderich and Sefton were also present. The prorogation to the 11th December was then announcedin the ordinary form ; the House of Commons being as usual represented by the Clerks and officers. The accommodation of the Press in the House of Lords remains unaltered. Why cannot the reporters of the Morning Papers, at least, have a seat and desk in front of the Throne? If it be desirable to have a fair re- port, is it not absurd, from any rule of etiquette, to place the reporters where a fair report is impossible? The reporters of the Evening Journals, whose object is to give a summary merely of the debate, might very properly be placed in the Strangers' Gallery.