Sir E. Carrington, formerly a Judge in Ceylon, and recently
Chair- man of the Aylesbury Sessions, is the person, it is now said, destined to succeed Mr. Const at Hicks's Hall.—Globe.
A Court of Directors was held at the East India House on Wed- nesday; when the following ships were thus stationed,—the Duke of York, Scaleby Castle, Warren Hastings, Kelhe Castle, Buckingham- shire, Castle Huntly, and Vansittart, for Bengal and China ; the Bom- bay, for St. Helena, Bengal, and China; the Marquis of Huntly, Duke of Sussex, Herefordshire, Thames, Lady Melville, and Farquharson, for Bombay and China; the Lowther Castle, for St. Helena, Bombay, and China ; the Waterloo, Thomas Grenville, Minerva, Rose, and Prince Regent, for China direct.
The trial of the Bristol Magistrates will, it is supposed, take place before the four senior Judges of the Court of King's Bench, at West- minster. The Jury are to be freeholders of the county of Berks.
Lord Lyndhurst has appointed to give judgment on the 30th, in the long-contested and very important case of "Small versus Attwood"— the British Iron Company case. The judgment will be pronounced in Gray's Inn Hall; on which occasion it is expected the court will be crowded by persons deeply interested in the result. The papers would fill a good-sized cart.
The creditors of the late Duke of York had their customary meeting On Wednesday, at the Thatched House Tavern ; when a communica- • tion was made from the solicitors, that they had not received any fur- ther information since the last meeting from the solicitors either for the executor or the plaintiff in the cause in the Court of Chancery, red therefore had no report to make.