Monday, October 15.
Mr. Henry's I. by Part isan, out of Rivulet, beat Mr. Othaldeston's f. by Partisan, out of Seherue. 100, h. Wou by a length.
The Garden Stakes of 100 sovs. each.
Mr. S. Stoneliewer's Variation, 5 yrs. Sat. 91b. 1 Mr. Cooper's Sluggard, 3 yrs. 6st. 51b.
Mr. Clancy's Kean, 6 yrs. fist. 101b. 3
Mr. Greville's Marcus, 4 yrs. rst. 81b. 4
Won by a length.
Mr. M. Stanley's Crutch beat Lord Worcester's Carthago. Won by a length. Sweepstakes of 50 soy,. each.
Mr. Henry's Margaret, Tat. 1 Lord Orford's Naiad, Tat. 131b 2
Duke of Grafton's Oxygen, 9st. 911 3
Won by a neck. Sweepstakes of 100 sovs, each, for fillies, three yrs. old.
Mr. Mills's b. 1. Kate, by Lapdog 1
Mr. ilidsdale's b. f. Fedora, by Figaro 2 Lord Orford's f. by Partisan 3 Mr. Rogers's ch. f. Mersey 4 Won by a neck.
Lord Chesterfield's Olga received forfeit from Lord Worcester's Copper Captain. IN, h. ft.
Lord Exeter's Spencer received from Sir M. W-ood's Count Robinson. 200, h. ft. Tuesday. October 16.
Fifty pounds for 2 yr. olds.
Lord Exeter's f. Minima, out of Aspasia 1 Duke of Grafton's hr. a. Emir 2
Lord I3erners's ch. c., by Oscar—Tippitywiteliet 3 Won by a length, easy. Handicap of 10 soy% each. 8 Subscribers. Mr. Greville's Dryad. 3 yrs., 8st 1
Mr. Cooke's lIarier, 3 yrs., ist. 61b. . 2
Won by a head.
Fifty pounds for 2 y.-r. old colts. Mr. Henry's F. by Partisan, out of Rivulet 1 Colonel Peel's ch. c. by Bedlamite, dam by Cesario 2 Lord Lichfield's Sister to Terry Alt 3
Mr. Sowerby's Catalonian 4 Won by a length, easy.
Match, 100 sovs., h. ft. Colonel Peel's Lochinvar beat Mr. Greville's f. Dryad, by two lengths.
The Clearwell Stakes, of 30 soya. each, 30 ft. 42 Subscribers.
Lord Orford's gr. c. by Jerry, out of Lisette 1 Colonel Peel's ch. c. Nonsense, brother to Non Compos 2 Lord Exeter's c. by Sultan—Dahlia's dam 3 16 started. Won by a length.
Wednesday. October 17.
'Match. 100 sovs., 11. ft. Mr. Thornhill's Farce received from Lord Worcester's Cop. per Captain. Renewal of the flatlands' Stakes of 30 sovs. each, 10 ft. 10 Subscribers. 4 paid. Lord Lowther's Messenger.... 1
Mr. Gully's Lady Fly
Mr. Yates's Gab 3
Mr. Batson's Mixbury 4 Lord Chesterfield's Non Compos 5
Duke of Richmond's Gondolier 6
Won by a neck.
Sweepstakes of 200 soya, each, h. ft. 8 Subscribers. Duke of Grafton's c. Divan, by Sultan .. Lord Exeter's Sister to Green Mantle
Lord Chesterfield's Elvaston, by Sultan
Lord Verulam's c. by Sultan, out of Tredrille
Won by a head. Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each. 4 Subscribers. Lord Exeter's Galata 1
Mr. Gully's Salute 2
Won in a canter. In the Clearwell Stakes, on Tuesday, more than half an tour was lost in endeavour- 'mg to get the horses off and it was not till after ten or a dozen false starts that the race 'actually came WE. The miming, from beginning to end, was made by Lord Orford's
1 2 3 4
colt and Lord Exeter's. A few strides from hone Pasts made in push aid* Nonsense. who immediately ran out to the left ; he continued, however, to beat Lord Exeter's colt. and was himself beaten a length by Lord Orford's. Lord Exeter's was half a leagt. behind Nonsense, Dirce fourth, and Clare filth. The stakes were worth a thousand pounds, in addition to which Lord Orford backed his horse to a large amuunt. Ile is not in the Derby. Thursday, October 18. Match tom Mr. M. Stanley's Blythe beat by half a length Sir M. Wood's Count Robinson.
Handicap Sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each.
Mr. Wilson's c. Argent, by Whalebone Mr. Wood's Ambrosio I Lord Tavistock's Pedro 3
Two paid. The Town Plate of 50/.
Mr. C. Newman's Drover, 3 yrs
Sir. Coolie's I larier, 3 yrs 2 Lord Exeter's Bohemian, 4 yrs 3
Lord Berners's dt. f. by Merlin, 3 yrs 4
Won by three lengths. Handicap Plate of 100/.
Lord Tavistock's Taurus 1 Lord Warwich's Water Witch . 2 Duke of Portland's Theban 3 Mr. henry's Protocol 4
Match 100!. Mr. Thornhill's Farce received forfeit from the Duke of Portland's Theban.
Friday, Oct. 19.
Renewal of the Prendergast Stakes—Oeneral Grosvenor's Glaucus beat Sir S. Graham's Carthago.