21 APRIL 1900, Page 15
[To TILE ED/TOR or TIM "Sermerort.-] SIR,—Mr. Stone asks in the Spectator of April 7th, " Was there ever an Englishman who named his son George before the Hanoverian Sovereigns brought the name into fashion ?" As I read his question I had before me Little Dunmow Parish Register, Book L It has :—" Georgina Tyllor," bap- tised July 24th, in the fourth year of Edward VI.; " Georgins Randell." March Path, 1559; " Georgius Choppine," August 16th, 1573; " Georgius Tyler," January 1st, 1578; " Georgius Newsom," March 16th, 1581. I find two more " Georges " before 1598, so the name was not so uncommon as some