Current Literature.
THE "EDINBURGH REVIEW." The new Edinburgh is full of able articles, and may indeed be described as a specially good number of a publication in which the standard is always very......
The English Dioceses. By The Rev. Geoffry Hill. (elliot...
Hill has investigated with much labour and to good purpose the somewhat intricate question of English diocesan divisions. Pope Gregory started his mission with a curiously......
The Chaucer Canon. By The Rev. Walter W. Skeet. (claren-
don Press. 3s. Gd.)—Professor Skeet states some tests, grammatical and metrical, which are drawn from undoubted works of Chaucer, and by which poems which lack external evidence......
A History Of The English Church. By Ii. M. Spence,
C.D. (J. M. Dent and Co. ls.)—This is a volume of the "'Temple Primers." Dean Spence has performed the difficult task of com- pressing into the available space a fairly complete......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under Mit heading vc notice such BOokse of the mei; as hare not been wore& for reetex in other bring.] Spring and Autumn in Ireland. By Alfred Austin. (W. Blackwood and Sons.......
The Student's Greece. By Sir William Smith, D.c.l. A New
Edition by G. E. Marindin, MA. (John Murray.)—Sir W. Smith's hook was published more than forty years ago. He had the advantage of being able to use Grote, whose " History " was......
Horns Of Honour. By F. T. Fiworthy. Illustrated. (john...
10s. Cd.)—It has been the aim of Mr. Elworthy to define the significance of horns as emblems of power. The points of a crown, the buffalo horns of Indians, and the headdresses......