That The Reflection Contained In These Words Is Well Merited
is shown by Sir Redvers Buller's despateh. By his own account he seems, while the fate of Spiou Rep was hanging in the balance, to have acted the part of a jour- nalistic war......
A Reuter Telegram From Bloetufontein Published In...
the beginning of a movement which will, we believe, be fraught with the greatest possible good to South Africa and the Empire. Reservists, in view of the possibilities of the......
Sir Michael Hicks-beach Speaking At Bristol On Thursday...
the rumours of Dissolution. In answer to the question when it would be, he declared that he could only give them this answer,—that he did not know, and he felt absolutely......
We Are Glad To Find The Pall Mall Ca:ette Taking
up the question of submarine boats and protesting against Mr. Gosehen's argument that we do not need them because they are "a weapon for those on the defensive." Submarine boats......
In Spite Of A Bad Start, The Returns For Recruiting
in 169:1, just published in the Inspector-General's Report, are the best since the short-service system was adopted. Both in quantity and quality the recruits for the first......
It Is Always A Pleasure To Read A Speech By
Sir Henry Fowler on Imperial affairs, for he never fails to show not only a sane and sound appreciation of the Empire and its needs, but also that true liberal spirit which is......
On Wednesday The War Office Published The Official Report Of
the operations at Spion Kop, with which we have dealt at length elsewhere. Even making allowance for the terrible difficulty of the art of war, Spion Kop was a muddled business......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2) were on Friday 101i.......