But Though This Will Probably Be The Course Of The
main operations, it must not be supposed for a moment that Lord Roberts is forgetting Mafeking. The gallant band who have made that railway siding in the desert the bulwark of......
News Of The Week.
rrHE main fact about the war news of the week is that there is no news. This means without doubt that Lord Roberts is moving, and that before very long we shall hear the results......
The French Exhibition Was Opened On Saturday, The 11th...
with the usual ceremonial, the only special feature being a certain predominance which was assigned to everything Russian. The President and his Minister of Commerce, M.......
A Sharp Dispute Has Broken Out Between The American...
and the Sultan. That Government demanded compensation for injuries suffered by American missionaries during the anti-Armenian riots, and the Sultan promieei to pay some modest......
The Speech Of The Minister Of Commerce Was Decidedly...
M. Millerand began by asserting that "the universe bad joined France in this gigantic enterprise," and continued by affirming that "death itself was recoiling before the march......
There Is No News From Natal, Except Reports Of Affairs
of out- posts in the neighbourhood of Elandslaagte, but the armies are watching each other narrowly, and the patrols are very active. It is said that the Boer force numbers......
• „* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......
Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR of Saturday, April "Sth, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMEST, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......