[Under Mit heading vc notice such BOokse of the mei; as hare not been wore& for reetex in other bring.] Spring and Autumn in Ireland. By Alfred Austin. (W. Blackwood and Sons. 3s.-Gd.)—Mr. Alfred Austin finds himself compelled, "not williag,ly," to allow that "Ireland is lovelier still than England." It is not a matter to be argued. Every one must think as he feels. This much may, perhaps, be said, that the beauty of England owes much more to the hand of man. Anyhow, it is well for the purposes of the book. that the writer should think so, for it touches him with a certain enthusiasm, and gives an additional glow to his descriptions. One reason that Ur. Austin gives for his opinion is that Ireland is "less travelled in and less talked about" than Britain. This will not please his Irish friends. It is exactly what they deplore. They want Ireland to be travelled in and talked about. Nor will they approve the reason,—that Ireland has never produced a great poet to celebrate his country. There is some discriminating criticism of Irish ways and Irish character. That they are sad without being serious, goes very near the truth. All this part of the book is very good. It is well said, for instance, that "Fancy exaggerates or invents. Imagination perceives and transfigures." In his lighter moods, too, Mr. Austin is happy. Altogether, he has written a pleasant and inspiring book.