21 AUGUST 1880, Page 22

Pottery and Porcelain. By F. Litchfield. (Bickers and Son.)— This

is a collectors' guide, of modest pretensions, but of real utility. Written by an intelligent dealer, conversant with marks and makes, the information which this book offers may be favourably compared with that so frequently tendered to the lovers of ceramic art. Satis- factory works on this subject cannot be expected from those authors or compilers who are satisfied with second-hand statements, and are destitute of practical acquaintance with the subject. The illustrations, the marks of factories, and the alphabetical accounts of all the chief wares of European origin, all contribute elements of in- terest and value to the small manual now before us. Earthenware and porcelain, both English and Continental, are included in these pages, in which, also, some useful hints, cautions, notes, and explana- tions will be found,