The Art Of Dress. By Mrs. Haweis. (chatto And Windus.)—this
little work forms a kind of saquel to The Art of Beauty, by the same lady. It is full of sensible remarks and wise and appropriate advice, but the title strikes one as slightly......
Current Literature.
Aunt Judy's Magazine, for June, July, and August. (George Bell and Sons.)—We notice, with pleasure, a lighter tone in this magazine, the very appearance of which—even its ugly......
Our Own Country : Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial....
Cassell have won a very considerable reputation by their illustrated books descriptive of the scenery of this country, of Europe, and, indeed, of the world generally. The volume......
The Sport Of Fate. By Richard Dowling. (tinsley...
Dowling is by no means a writer to be classed among the number of those whose names are writ in water. He possesses considerable power and originality, and would do good things......
Outlines Of Physiography. Part I. By W. Lawson. (oliver And
Boyd.)—Here are twelve chapters on the main chemical, physical, and biological facts concerning our globe. Chemistry, geology, geo- graphy, meteorology, physical' geography, and......
Holland's "elements Of Jurisprudence."*
MB scientific study of Law has made considerable progress in England of late years, and the remarkable work before us will probably form a distinct and important stage in its......