21 AUGUST 1880, page 2

Mr. Gorst Also Tries To Play Lord Randolph Churchill's Part,

but plays it much more clumsily, and lays himself open to-effec- tive retorts. On Monday he asked Lord Hartington if he would engage that Parliament should not be prorogued till......

Lord Randolph Churchill Made A Rather Amusing Attack On His

own leader on Monday. He asked Lord Hartington whether, in view of the great importance of the measures to be submitted to Parliament, and the fact that "the princi- pal members......

Mr. Fawcett, Later In The Evening, Made A Remarkable Speech

on the Indian Budget, his chief point being that the Act determining the constitution of India wanted another care- ful revision. These revisions had occurred at intervals of......

Lord Stratford De Redcliffe Died On Saturday, At The Great

age of ninety-two. He was in his early politics a Peelite. His first great appointment on a special mission was the appoint- ment to St. Petersburg in 1824, before the accession......

The Magistrates In The Neighbourhood Of Our Great Towns Are

often more tempted to class-justice than even the country jus- tices, at least if game-law cases be excluded. At the Edmonton Petty Sessions, on Monday, three gentlemen were......

M. Gambetta's Speech At Cherbourg Has Naturally Enough...

rather ill in Germany, and on the anniversary of the battle of Gravelotte, which took place on Wednesday, the Em- peror of Germany delivered a sort of rejoinder to that very......

Lord Hartington's Indian Budget Speech On Tuesday Was...

sanguine nor aggressive. He dilated much on the uncertain character of Indian finance, which he illus- trated most effectively. He adhered for once to the system, which he......

As Far As Has Yet Been Made Out, Both The

railway accidents which we noticed last week were due to insufficient supervision of the state of the rails. In relation to the accident near Lancaster, it has been shown that......