21 AUGUST 1880, page 1

The Medical Staff At Gay's Are Obdurate To All The

concilia- tory policy of the Governors. We fear that they are fighting for a_ professional triumph, and that nothing less than a professional triumph will they take. The......

The Afghan News This Week Is Only Negatively Important. It

is very important that the retreat of General Stewart's force from Cabal to Gaudamak has been effected without opposition. It is important that Ayoub has, apparently, as yet......

The Daily News' Correspondent At St. Petersburg Declares...

has reason to know that Abdul Rahman has been acting in concert with Ayoub Khan. We should think it extremely likely that so long as either leader thought he could get any-......

Turkey Is Shirking Again,—even On The Montenegro...

stated, on what seems good authority, that she offers to hand over Dulcigno to Montenegro, as an equivalent for the territory promised,—but only with tke exception of Dino& and......

News Of The Week

A S the prospect of the harvest brightens, the prospect of Irish tranquillity, which ought to improvewith it, and whichwould improve with it, but for the machinations of such......

Lord Stratford De Redcliffe Died On Saturday, At The Great

age of ninety-two. He was in his early politics a Peelite. His first great appointment on a special mission was the appoint- ment to St. Petersburg in 1824, before the accession......

*** Ths Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuecript In Any


The Steps Of Mr. Dillon's Suggestion, Then, Are These...

let the people league themselves to intimidate the landlords. Next, let them permit no evicted tenants, for whatever reason evicted, to be replaced; and let them so ill-treat......