21 AUGUST 1897, Page 27


Anne (Mrs. Charlton) (Ellam Fenwicke Allan), A Woman of Moods,

Cr 8vo (Barns & Oates) 50 Art of Conversing (The), by the Author of " Manners and Rules of Good

Society," cr 8vo (Warne) 26 Bailey (L. H.), Principles of Fruit Growing, 12mo (Macmillan) 5/0 Saha Ed Din, Setubal; or, What Befell Sultan Yusuf, A.D. 1137-93, Svo (Palestine Exploration Fund) 9,0 Buck (R. C.), A Manual of Trigonometry, cr Svo (C. Griffin) 3/6

Hush (J.), Modern Thoughts on Ancient Stories, Cr 8vo (C. H. Kelly) 2/6

'...inristian (N.), That Tree of Eden. or 8vo (Ilutchioson) 36 Du Manner (G.), The Martian, or 8vo (Harper) 6,0 Groote Schuur, Residence oLthe Right Hoe. Cecil J. Rhodes, 4to (Simpkin) 2/6 filigginson (E.), From the Land of the Snow Pearls, cr 8vo (Macmillan) 6,0 Hodges (J. A.). Photographic Lenses, cr 8vo (Lund) 2.0 Hurst (C.), Valves and Valve Gearing. 8vo (C. Griffin) 7/6 Jocelyn (Mrs. Robert), Lady Mary's Experiences, cr 8vo (F. V. White) 6 0 Lang (A.), The Book of Dreams and Ghosts, Cr 8vo (Longmans) 6,0 Lynch IL. L.), The Last Stroke, cr 8vo (Ward A Lock) 2/0 Nisbet (H.), A Sweet Sinner, or 8vo (F. V. White) 3/C Prime and Hours according to the Use of the Church of England (Mowbray) 2/0 Robson (A. W. MI, Diseases of the Gall-Bladder and Bile.Ducts...(BaillRre) 7:6 Rus.ell (J. C.), Volcanoes of North America, 8vo (Macmillan) I6/0 Sandeman (M.), The Worship of Lucifer, or 8vo Dishy A Long) 3/6 Sharer (W. R.) One Heart One Way.= 8,0 (Hurst A Pdackett) 6/0 Sinjohn (J.), From the Four Winds, or 8vo (Unwin) 6/) Southward (R.), Progress in Printing. &c., during Victorian Era...(Simpkin) 26 Tench (Mary F. A.), Wht re the Sari Breaks, cr 8vo ... ...... (Hurst A Blackett) 6/0

Trimmer (F. M.), The Golden Crocodile, cr 8vo (Downey) 6/0 Wright (M.0.) A Another, Citizen Bird: Scenes from Bird Life (Macmillan) 6/0