21 AUGUST 1897, page 16

The Old Catholics. [to The Editor Of The " Spectator:]

Sin,—Your article in the Spectator of August 14th on the Old Catholics seemed to show some misunderstanding of the principles of Roman Catholics, and I trust you will pardon a......

The Schoolmaster's Treatment In Books.

LTO TIE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") was recently told by an Oriental scholar that by the Turkish law a schoolmaster is looked upon as a lunatic. Either be was a lunatic to......

America And England.

[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Your article, "America and England," in the Spectator of August 14th will be read here as a proper and righteous protest against the......

Our Royal Family Of Irish Descent.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.') SIE,—The connection of Queen Victoria with King Feargus More, and his connection with Ireland, seem doubtful ; see Skene's "Historical......


[To THE EDITOR OF THR "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The descent into the arena of two Royal personages in attack or defence of the time-honoured privilege of travellers' tales may or may......