21 AUGUST 1897, page 15

Letters To The Editor.

THE DREAD OF THE SUPERNATURAL. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] Sin,—Does not the rector of Lambeth, in his interesting letter on "The Dread of the Supernatural" in the......

The Old Catholics. [to The Editor Of The " Spectator:]

Sin,—Your article in the Spectator of August 14th on the Old Catholics seemed to show some misunderstanding of the principles of Roman Catholics, and I trust you will pardon a......


[TO THE EDITOE OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIE,It may be worth considering whether the instances of so-called "second-sight" mentioned by your correspondents, Mr. F. Balfour and Herr......

Minor Shell-fish.

T "pleadings in the action brought by the municipality of Colchester to assert a right to certain oyster-beds on the foreshore showed that some form of protection had been......