21 AUGUST 1897, page 25

A Galahad Of The Creeks, And Other Stories. "y S.

Levett - Yeats. (Longmans and Co.)—These are stories of the seamy side of life in India. The picture is given with no little force of colouring, and the aim of the artist is to......

East India Company's Records. Vol. I., 1602 - 1613. With...

Frederic Charles Danvers. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—The early days of the East India Company were indeed golden. The profits of the first two voyages very nearly equalled......

Against The Odds. By Frances Hane. (jarrold And Sons )—

The author tells in a powerful way the struggle of a young man who has disgraced himself and his family, to recover his position. The " odds "against which he has to contend are......

The Political Life Of The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone.

Illustrated from Punch,Vol. II. (Bradbury. Agnew, and Co.)—This volume con- tains the history of the years 1876-86. It begins with the proro- gation of Parliament in 1876, and......

Historic Bubbles. By Frederic Lesko. (suckling And Gallo-...

" Bubbles " does not indicate any doubt of the reality of the persons whom Mr. Leake describes—as, for instance, the Duke of Berwick, Pedro the Cruel, and John Wiclif —but is a......

Prophets Of The Christian Faith. By Various Writers....

and Co.) —We have in this volume twelve papers, beginning with Dr. Lyman Abbott's "What is a Prophet ?" and Dean Farrar's "Can We be Prophets ? " a vigorous piece of rhetoric,......

Annals Of The Warwickshire Hunt, 1795 - 1895. By Sir C....

and the Rev. the Hon. R. W. Verney. 2 vols. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—The two authors, both of them men who have ridden to hounds from their youth, have made of this......

Herod The Great : An Historic Drama. By Henry Solly.

(Began Paul, Trench, and Co.)—Mr. Solly thinks that Herod has not had justice done to him. His reputation has suffered because the writings of his admirer, Nicolaiis, have......

The Real Issue. By William Allen White. (way And Williams,.

Chicago.)—We learn from this "Book of Kansas Stories" the truth about the State of Kansas. "Eastern Kansas is a finished community like New York or Pennsylvania. Central Kansas......

The Mystery Of Elias G. Roebuck. And Other Stories. By

W. L. Alden. (1 D. lanes and Co.)—The twenty stories included in this volume are, almost without exception, excellent. Here is a proof of our appreciation of them. We do not......