These desperate i crimes have roused all England. In London an appeal
of the Home Secretary for special constables has been instantly answered, the whole population is alert, and all classes, Irish Catholics included, are determined to put the organization down. The municipalities throughout the island are watching the Fenians, strengthening their police, and expressing in somewhat high-flown resolutions their determination to support-the Govern- ment. For several days all public buildings, banks, and artnomies have been specially watched, guards have been placed in the prisons, the police carry revolvers, and the workmen everywhere show the most bitter indignation. The Reform League has for- mally registered its abhorrence of the crime, the " Fenian Com- mittee," in an anonymous letter, promise to surrender the perpe- trator, and Mr. Digby Seymour, counsel for the Manchester prisoners, calls on all Irishmen in England to strengthen the hands of Government by public denunciations of the crime. Of course amidst all this many absurd stories are afloat,. and the authorities are occasionally deceived by menace, but enough remains to show that the whole people are alert and united, and that the Fenians have henceforward to face a popular detestation which another outrage might inflame to uncontrollable fury. Hitherto the tone of the people, though stern,. has been temperate, and the national feeling finds relief in subscriptions for the victims.