Clerical Etiquette In London Seems To Be Somewhat Strict....
A. S. Herring, Incumbent of St. Paul's, Clerkenwell, in the ex- citement produced by the suffering in Clerkenwell, appealed to the public through the Times, and obtained a large......
On Thursday, Mr. Gladstone Addressed His Constituents At...
a speech mainly consisting of a spirited history of the Reform Bill of 1867. He accepted the result of that Bill most cordially as "an enormous advance in the political growth......
Parisians Must By This Time Recognize The Truth That...
tion is costly. M. Hausamaun's Budget for 1868 has just been published, and it appears that the expenditure for that year, " ordinary," " extraordinary," " supplemental," and "......
In His Evening Speech At Oldham Mr. Gladstone Declared For
an education measure more or less founded on Mr. Austin Bruce's Bill of last session, with necessary extensions and enlargements. He was entirely in favour of retaining all the......
In Opening A Mechanics' Institute On Wednesday Afternoon...
appealed, in " conclusive proof " of the vitality of the English nation, to the number of really considerable poets in the last fifty years,—a phenomenon which he considered......
The Prussian Premier Has Announced To His Parliament That...
Prussian Envoys will speedilybe recalled, to be replaced by Envoys from the North German Confederation. They will, of course, be usually the same men, and will always be......
In A Speech Delivered At Southport On The Same Evening,
Mr. Gladstone referred rather to the future. The report of this speech, received by telegraph, is execrably bad, in places quite unintel- ligible, but Mr. Gladstone made Ireland......
For Next Year, Founding His Calculations On The Quarter...
elapsed, Mr. M'Culloch estimates as follows :— REVENUE. £ ENTENDITUBE. x Customs 32,676,000 Civil Service 10,080,000 Lands 197,000 Pensions & Indiana 6,496,000 Direct Tax......
The Following Is A Comparison Between Mr. Miculloch's...
estimate of the Revenue and Expenditure of the United States for the financial year ended 30th June last, and the actual amounts realized. We assume five dollars—the nominal......