Parisians must by this time recognize the truth that civiliza-
tion is costly. M. Hausamaun's Budget for 1868 has just been published, and it appears that the expenditure for that year, " ordinary," " extraordinary," " supplemental," and " special," is to be 9,808,4821., and the income exactly the same. Of this enormous sum only about 2,000,000/. is allotted to the execution of great works, and leas than 100,0001. will be borrowed. The taxation of Paris is, therefore, equal to at least 31. 10s. per head, or, we believe, about three times that of Leaden, which, though not so rich as Frenchmen think, is decidedly the richer city. What would not King Thwaites do in ten years with a revenue of ten millions, and a power of pledging it to any amount without popular interference?