Yesterday There Was Fresh News Of Disaster At Newcastle—a...
fire, which had raged from 7 a.m., and had not been got tinder at 11. It commenced at a ship chandler's, and the destruc- tion of property was immense. Take this with Tuesday's......
The Bishop Of London And The Secretary Of The Recent
Episcopal Synod have explained that the reports of committees on which we commented last week, recommending all sorts of revolutionary and silly proceedings, were not adopted by......
It Seems As If—through The Fault, We Imagine, Of The
Duke of Buckingham—Sir Charles Darling would have his 20,0001., for serving the Parliament of Victoria better than Her Majesty's Government, after all. The new Governor has......
On Tuesday Afternoon There Was A Terrible Explosion Of...
glycerine near Newcastle. This most explosive of all blasting -substances had been for some months, it seems, kept in the cellars of a public-house at Newcastle, without any of......
The Directors Of The Great Eastern Report That Lord...
has consented to accept a seat at their new Board. Is he to be Chairman, or only a Director? In either case he would be the most valuable acquisition, next perhaps to Mr. Lowe,......
A Great Earthquake Occurred At St. Thomas's On The Afternoon
of the 18th November at about twenty minutes to three. The earthquake only lasted about two minutes, but the shock to the town was frightful, many houses being half ruined by......
For Next Year, Founding His Calculations On The Quarter...
elapsed, Mr. M'Culloch estimates as follows :— REVENUE. £ ENTENDITUBE. x Customs 32,676,000 Civil Service 10,080,000 Lands 197,000 Pensions & Indiana 6,496,000 Direct Tax......
Great Northern ....
Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire ... London and Brighton ... London and North-Western London and South-Western London, Chatham, and Dover Metropolitan ... North-Eastern,......
On Monday, Consols Opened At 92k, F. Yesterday, They Closed
at 92f, f, for money, and 92k, f, for the account ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 926, I ; Exchequer Bills, 25s. to 28s. prem. ; India Bonds, 53a. to 58s. pram. ; and India......
Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading Foreign Bonds Left
off at the annexed quotations :— Friday, DoR 13. Mexican... 144 Spanish Passives 23( Do. CertiIicates 19 Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858 62( , 1862 ... 62( United States 3.20's 72......