It seems as if—through the fault, we imagine, of the
Duke of Buckingham—Sir Charles Darling would have his 20,0001., for serving the Parliament of Victoria better than Her Majesty's Government, after all. The new Governor has recommended the grant, as we have noticed before, on the flimsy pretext that Sir Charles Darling, by resigning the Colonial service, has put himself in the position of any other English subject whose services the Legislature might choose to recompense. If this plea were of the least value, any ambassador, by resigning the service of the Crown, might qualify himself to receive the bribe which he might leave earned by disobedience or treachery. The Legislative Council have again rejected the Appropriation Bill, and the Prime Minister has dissolved the popular assembly, in order to take the opinion of the country once more ; but if that opinion -supports him,—.as it will,—he announces that he must regard the decision as " final." But as neither Council nor Assembly will -give way, we suppose the " final" decision will have to come from borne, in the shape of some Act to give the final power, in the case of a sufficiently prolonged dead-lock, to a sufficient majority of the popular assembly.